Log Book of the Barque Oscar, 1845-1849



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Property of M.C.K. Southampton

(X) BG 18

Last edit about 3 years ago by RobertMyers
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Journal of a Whaling Voyage on Board Barque Oscar of Sag Harbour William A Green Master Bound to the North West Coast Sailed December the 8 1845

Last edit about 3 years ago by RobertMyers
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A Journal of the Whaling Voyage on Board of the

Monday December 8th 1845

these 24 hours Light winds from the S W at on P.M Wade anchor and Went Down the Bay and Came too fore the night [Saw?]

Tuesday 9th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with fresh winds from the N. W at 2 PM toock Our anchor and Went to See at 3 PM Went by Gardners Poant and then Shaped our Cours for montock Poant at Sundown montock Light Bairing West 15 miles off the Bayad in Sight Saw nothing more this day

Wendesday 10th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with Strong winds from the N. W Steering E. S. E under Double reeft top Sails im Ployed in Stowing the anchors and Chains the Bayad in Sight midel and Latter parts mutch the Same Saw nothing more this day now Latitude Now Longtude

Thursday 11th 1845

These 24 hours Begins with fresh windes from the N. N. W Steering S. E by E under all Sail midel and Latter Part mutch the same im ployed Braking out the after hatch and [illegible] at 9 AM Spoke the Bark Bayad of Green [Pop?] Saw nothing more this day Latitude by Ob 38 05 Longtude

Friday 12th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with fresh windes from the N. N. E and Drizely rainny weather Steering S. E by E. under all Sail Latter part Squally weather toock in the main top gallant Sail and Doubel reeft the top Sails im ployed in mending the main Sail and Bent it the Bayad in Sight Saw nothing this day Latitude by DR 36 00 N

Saturday 13th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with fresh winds and Squally weather Steering over Course windes from N. N. W to N. N. E Latter part toock in the fore Sail and Cose reeft the main top Sail at 6 A M toock in the fore Sail all this day Squally and rainy weather Saw nothing this day Latitude 36.. 11 N Long by Ch 60.. 59 West

Last edit about 3 years ago by RobertMyers
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Bark Oscar of Sag Harbor Master William H Green

Sunday December 14th 1845

These 24 hours Begins with fresh winds and Squally weather winds from the N.N.E Steering E.S.E under Doubel reeft top Sails midel and Latter part mutch the Same Latter part im Ployed in Seting up riggin Saw nothing this day - Latitude by Obs 35.. 13 N Long by Ch 58 W

Monday December 15th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with fresh winds from the S.S.W Steering East under Doubel reeft top Sails jib and main Sail midel and Latter part mutch the Same im ployed in Sundury jobs Saw nothing this day Latitude by Obs 34 .. 42 N Long by Ch 59 .. 27 W

Tuesday December 16th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with Strong winds from the S. by W Steering East under Doubel reeft top Sails Latter part toock in the jib and main Sail at 6 PM toock in the fore top Sail and fore Sail and toock in the West Boat on Deck Saw nothing this day Latitide by Obs 35 .. 25 N Long by Ch 55 .. 54 West

Wedenesday December 17th 1845

First Part of these 24 hours Begins with Strong gales from the S.S.W Laying too under Close reeft main top Sail rain and heave Squalls Latter part Carm and a heavey Swell runing from all ways Set the fore sail and fore top Sail Steering East Saw nothing this day - Latitude by DR 35 .. 35 N Long by DR 55 .. 40 West

Thursday December 18th 1845

First part of these 24 hours Carm and rainny at 6 AM light airs from the S.S.E Steering East under Doubel reeft top Sails Latter Part Squally weather Saw nothing this day in played im ployed in Sundary jobes Latitude by Obs 35 .. 56 N Long by Ch 53 .. 11 West

Friday December 19th 1845

these 24 hours Begins with fine breeses from the W. by N Steering all Sail Latter part light airs from the N.W im ployed in Brakeing Out the fore hach Saw nothing this day - Latitude by Obs 36 .. 10 N Long by Ch 52 .. 14 West

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Vishesh
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Bound A Round Cape Horn 1845

Saturday December these 24 hours Begins with light airs and tented 20th 1845 with rain Latter part fine breeses from the S.S.E Steering by the wind under all Sail Saw 2 or 3 fin backs Saw nothing more this day all handes im ployed in Braking Out the after hach and [illegible]Stowing Latitude by Obs 36..17 N long by Ch 52.. 00 West

Sunday these 24 hours begins with fine breeses from the December S.S.E Steering by the wind under all Sail heading 21st 1845 E by N midel and latter part mutch the Same Saw one Ship Steering to the East ward one Exchandes Colers with [hear?] Saw nothing more this day Latitude by Obs 37..20 N long by Ch 49..52 West

Monday these 24 hours Commences with light windes from the December S.S.E Steering by the wind under all Sail Latter 22th 1845 Part fine breeses from the S.S.W Steering .E.S.E This day Chaes Botes Crues are im ployed in fiting then i saw nothing this day Latitude by Obs 38..29 N long by Ch 48..14 West

Tusday December 23th 1845

these 24 hours Commenes with fine windes from the N.W Steering E.S.E under all Sail Latter Part fresh windes from the N. by .E Steering S.E. by .E Saw a School of Sperm whales but [?suged?] to Lower for them in ployed in fiting boats one Brig in Sight Saw nothing more this day Latitude by Obs 98..20 N long by Ch 45..52 West

Wedenesday December the 24.. 1845

these 24 hours commencs with fresh winds from the N.N.E steering S.E. by .E under all Sail Latter Part windes from the E.N.E Steering by the wind hading S.E to S. E by .E one Ship in Sight Saw nothing more this day im ployed in Ship Dutey Latitude by Obs 37.. 48 N long by Ch 42.. 48 West

Thursday December 25th 1845

these 24 hours Commencs with fresh winds from the N.N.E Steering .E.S.E under all Sail Latter Part strong windes toock in the fore and main top galant Sails at day light Double reefd the top Sails at 8 Oclock toock in the top Sail jib and main Sail and parted the main top Sail Sheet thick and rainny weather all this day one Brig in Sight Latitude by Obs 36.. 50 N Long by D R 40.. 48 West

Last edit about 1 month ago by East Hampton Library
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