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Saturday the 24th Jan 1835
Begins and light breezes from
the S W at day light in the
morning set all sail & steered
to the N W ward by by the wind
but saw nothing but ships
at 10 ‘o clok Tacked ship
to the S ward saw 3 whales bowed
S S E saw the [Stlafs?] of Norwik
cutting at sun set shortened
sail So Ends Lat Obsd 40 “ 20
Long 1 “ 50

Sunday 25th
Fine weather throughout the
at day light set all sail &
steered to the E ward saw 2 lowered
& Chased but with out success at 2
o clok wore ship & steered W
saw 10 ships this day So goes
Latitude by Obs was 40 “ 20
Longitude 1 30

Sunday 26th
Began with Light winds &
thick fog & continued the
same during the day carry Top
Sails stand Each way by the
wind saw nothing worth note
this day So goes no Obs
Latitude 40 “ 50 per Count
Long 2 “ 30

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