Wednesday December 12th 1849 Began with Strong win [WIND] from WSW and Squally weather Ship under all sail steering S by west two ships to the windward boath [BOTH] steering the same way watch Employed setting up rigging Latter part had nearly a calm nothing occured [OCCURRED] worth remar [REMARKING] So ends all well I [IN] Lat [LATITUDE] Longitude
Thursday 13th 1849 Commenced a calm and plesant [PLEASANT] weather two Ships In Sigh[T] Starbord [STARBOARD] watch employed Setting up the Main rigging Middle and Latter parts had light wind from S East steer by the wind with the Larbord [LARBOARD] tacks aboard saw two finbacks and two vessels so goes Lat by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBSERVATION] 27..18 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..12
Friday 14th The day Began with light wind from SSE and plesant [PLEASANT] weather Ship under all sail steered by the wind to the S East Middle and Latter parts had about the Same weather 4[?] Ships in Sight all steering to the SW ward [SOUTHWESTWARD] employed grinding Spades and at sundry other Jobs So Ends
Saturday15th 1849 The day Began with plesant [PLEASANT] weather and light wind from S East Ship by the wind with Larbord [LARBOARD] watch aboard Latter part has Strong wind from East Set Top mast and Top gallant Studding Sails Saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks and for a while took them to be Sperm whales so passed this day all well Lat by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBSERVATION] 25..08 Long [LONGITUDE]
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