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Sunday 16th December 1849 Began with strong wind from East and fair weather Ship under all Sail to the Southward saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks Lowered and Chased brit without success Middle and Latter parts had nearly the same weather Spoke a Brig from Saco Bound to Sant [SAN] Francisco Saw another vessel steering SW so ends all well In Lat [LATITUDE] 23..02

Monday 17th This day began with strong Trades and plesant [PLEASANT] weather Ship under all sail steering S by East per Compass Middle and latter parts had light wind and Smokey [SMOKY?] two Ships In sight boath [BOTH] steering to the Southward so Ends Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 20..59 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..28

Tuesday 18th Commences with light wind from SE and thick hazey [HAZY] weather Steer close hauled to the SW git [GOT] out to lower studing [STUDDING] Sail boom on the Larboard Side Latter part had nearly a calm nothing in sight but water Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 19..44 Long [LONGITUDE] 26..55

Wednesday 19th This day began nearly a calm watch variously Employed Middle and Latter parts had a fine breeze from N East Squared yards and set a lower studding Sail Latter part Starboard watch employed Setting up the Mizen [MIZZEN] Rigging so Ends In Lat [LATITUDE]18..09 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..54[?]

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