Sunday February 1st 1852 Commenced with a fresh wind from N East steering to the NWW At night took in sail and wore ship Middle wore Ship again and set all sail Latter part had thick fog Nothing of consequence done onboard so ends all well Latitude
Monday 2ond Commenced with fresh wind from NW and thick weather steer NN East At night took in sail and wore Ship Latter part had fair weather and a light wind from NNW Set all sail and steered to the westward Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 46..16 Longitude 173..30
Tuesday 3thd Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind from the [south CROSSED OUT] West head to the South At night took in sail and wore Ship latter part had strong wind and fair weather heed [HEAD] up NW Ship under double reefed Top sails so ends all well Latitude 45..27 Longitude 173..04 East
Wednesday 4th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fair weather and a light variable wind Carry all sail in the daytime and lay still at night At night took in sail At 9 AM made the land bareing [BEARING] N West the day ends in Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 44..18 Longitude
Thursday 5th Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind ship under all sail steering in toards [TOWARDS] the land At night double reefed and heeded [HEADED] offshore latter part had strong wind and variable set all sail and wore Ship Lat [LATITUDE] at noon 44..09 Long [LONGITUDE] 173..00
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