


Status: Complete

Friday 6th February 1852 Began with fresh wind from WSW and fair weather Ship under double reefed Top sails steering to the north At night took in sail Latter part light wind and thick fog Set Top sail at daylight and steered to the south no Obs [OBSERVATION] supposed Latitude 44 20 Longitude 173..30

Saturday 7th Commenced with light wind from East and thick weather At 6 PM took in sail Latter part had fresh wind from W and rain Set Top sails and steered to the Lat [LATITUDE] 45..00 Longitude 174..00

Sunday 8th Commenced with light variable wind and rainy Latter part had strong wind from W and squally Spoke and gamed [GAMMED] with Bark Concordia of Sag Harbor 27 months out with 30 barrels of Bowheed [BOWHEAD] so ends in Latitude45..09 Longitude 177=00

Monday 9th Commenced with strong wind from SW and squally heed [HEAD] SS East At night took in sail and wore ship Latter part had fair weather and light wind Saw 4 whales Got one calf The Concordia in sight Latitude 45..26 Longitude 177..00

Tuesday 10th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fair weather and a light variable wind from N to SW Cut in our whale and began to boil Saw 3 whales and chased At night took in sail and daylight set it again So ends in Latitude 45 15 Longitude 177..23

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