


Status: Complete

Wednesday 11th February 1852 Throughout this day had pleasant weather and light wind from NW Ship under all sail by day and steer each way lay by through the night Finished boiling and cleaned the bone So ends all well Latitude 45..24 Longitude 176..43

Thursday 12th Throughout this day had pleasant weather and light variable wind Carry all sail in the day and lay still in the night Latter part employed stowing down 25 barrels So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 44..59 Longitude 177..20

Friday 13th Throughout this day had light variable wind and pleasant weather Nothing in sight but water Latitude Longitude

Saturday 14th Commenced with fair weather and a greate [GREAT] sea from south At night took in sail Latter part had strong wind from Nth [NORTH] and rain Set double reefed Top sails and steered off West Saw finbacks and Porpasses [PORPOISES] So ends all well Latitude 45..25 Longitude 176..35

Sunday 15th Commenced with fresh wind from N East and squally Steer WSW At night took in sail Latter part had a gale from NW and rain Had the Top sail and close reef the Main Top sail Ship labour [LABORED] hard Broke the fore Top gallant mast in the Cap So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 45..00 Longitude 176..40 East

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