Monday 16th February 1852 Began with a heavy gale from West Lay under a close reefed Main Top sail and staysail Latter part quite moderate Set Top sails and steered to the S Eastward Mend and bend a Mizen [MIZZEN] staysail in Latitude 44..19 Longitude 177..00
Tuesday 17th Commenced with fresh wind from West and squally Double reef and at night and at night took in sail Latter part had fresh wind from Nth [NORTH] Make all sail and steer south Saw large gams of Finbacks So ends in Latitude 45 00 Long [LONGITUDE] 176..25
Wednesday 18th Commenced with fresh wind and squally Double reef Latter part had fresh wind from North and dark weather Ship under all sail steering south Saw large gams of finbacks So ends in Latitude 45..00 Longitude 176..50
Thursday 19th Commenced with a gale and a greate [GREAT] sea from South Onbend [UNBENT?] the fore Top sail and pult [PULLED] on a new fore Propel[?] and bent it again Parted the fore Top mast spring stay spliced it and set it up again Saw finbacks Latter part had a heavy gale foggy WSW and squally At 10 PM took in sail The ship heeds [HEADS] NW Lat [LATITUDE] 45..48 Longitude 176=50
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