


Status: Complete

Sunday 18th April 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a light wind from SSE and SE Ship under all sail heed [HEAD] from SE by E to E by N The day being the Sabbath nothing of consequence done onboard So goes all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 35..56 Longitude 144.10 W[?]

Monday 19th The day began with pleasant weather and light wind from S East Ship under all sail heed [HEAD] ESE Latter part had a light air from ESE Heed [HEAD] South Watch employed mending a Main sail So ends all well Latitude by DR [DEAD RECKONING] 36..08 Longitude 143..50

Tuesday Tuesday 20th Tuesday Commenced with pleasant weather and a light air from ES East Heed [HEAD] S East Employed mending sails Latter part had a breeze from Nth [NORTH] and some squally Employed mending studding sails and Main Royal Sent up the Main royal yard So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 36..35 Longitude 143..30

Wednesday 21 Began with a breeze from Nth [NORTH] Steering SE Fited [FITTED] and bent a new main Top sail Latter part had a fresh wind and squally Watch employed mending a top sail So ends in Latitude 38..32 Longitude 38..32 Longitude 141..50

Thursday 22ond Began with fresh wind and squally Onben [UNBENT?] the fore Top sail and bent another Latter part had pleasant weather and light wind from ENE Hed [HEAD] SE by the wind Watch variously employed So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 39..56 Longitude 140..28

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