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Monday 28th April 1852 Wednesday Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had a gale from W and SW and squally Send up the Top sail yard and bend the sail and bend the Jib Steer SE by East Latter part send down the Mizzen Top gallant and main royal yards in Lat [LATITUDE] Long [LONGITUDE]

Thursday Tuesday 29th Began with a gale from SW and squally Steering SE by E Middle and latter parts had a gale from South Steer by the wind Hed [HEAD] ES East Watch variously employed at ships duty So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 48 19 Longitude 124..30

Friday Wednesday 30th Began with strong wind from South and squally Steer ESE close hauled Middle and latter parts had light wind from SSW Square yards and steer SE by East Set studding sails People variously employed So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 48..43 Long [LONGITUDE] 122..10

Saturday Thursday May 1 Throughout this day had fair weather and light wind from SW and W Ship under all sail steering SE by East Watch employed mending sails So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 49..22 Longitude 120..30

Sunday Friday 2ond Began with fair weather and a light wind from SW Ship under all sail steering ESE Latter part had nearly the same weather Watch employed at ships duty So ends Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 50..24 Longitude 118..25

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