



Status: Complete

Tuesday May 18th 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling wind from the Eastward and a greate [GREAT] swell from the Nth [NORTH] and frequent snow squalls Heed [HEAD] NNE So ends in Latitude 56..00 Longitude 85..29 --

Wednesday 19th Had light wind from SE and often snow and rain Steer NE by East Saw a sail aheed [AHEAD] steering East Nothing of consequence done The second mate not well Yet so ends in Latitude 55..46 Longitude 82..29 West

Thursday 20th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling wind wind fair weather Ship under all sail steering NE by E The sail in sight So ends all well Latitude 56..00

Friday Wednesday 21st Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from S and SSE and verry [VERY] squally Double reef and hand the Main sail and Jib Latter the wind rather abates Make some sail Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 56..18 Long [LONGITUDE] 79..00

Thursday 22ond Saturday 22 May 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from S East and verry [VERY] squally Carry all prudent sail Heed [HEAD] EN East Saw a small Bark lying to on the oposit [OPPOSITE] tack So ends in Latitude 56..18 Longitude 77..25 west

Sunday 23thd Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had variable wind and nearly a calm for the most part At 9 AM lowered a boat and boarded Bark Scottish Maid 105 days from Abberdean [ABERDEEN] bound to Valparaiso wished to be reported all well Latitude 55..59 Long [LONGITUDE] 76..41

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