Monday May 24th 1852 Commenced with light airs from South and dark weather Ship heeds [HEADS] E by South Middle and last parts had had a fine breeze from West Carry all sail steering E by S and East Saw a Ship steering NW So ends in Latitude Longitude
Tuesday 25th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a breeze from NW Ship under all sail steering to the Eastward At 8 AM made Diegoes [DIEGO RAMIREZ ISLANDS] bareing [BEARING] NE by Nth [NORTH] per Compass Saw one ship steering to the westward So ends all well Both[?] the second mate [...]
Wednesday 26th All theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from NW and pleasant weather Ship under all sail At 2 PM passed Diegoes [DIEGO RAMIREZ ISLANDS] and then steared steered NE by East Latter part near calm abrast [ABREAST] of the Cape Watch variously employed So ends in Latitude Longitude
Thursday 27th The day commenced with light wind from WNW and rainy Ship under all sail steering SE by East Middle and latter parts had a breeze from NW Steer NE by N Saw 4 ships all steering to the SW So ends all well Latitude 56..19 Longitude 65..29
Friday 28th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from NW and tolerable fair weather Steering NE by Nth [NORTH] per Compass saw 3 sail[S] all steering to to the NW Latitude 55..18 Longitude 62..40
Saturday 29th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling airs and some fog Work to the NE Saw two ships steering SW Lat [LATITUDE] 55..15 Long [LONGITUDE] 62..00
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