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Wednesday 16th Sept [SEPTEMBER] 1852 Throughout this day had light wind from NE to SE and pleasant weather Ship under all sail and steering SW Saw two ships steering to the SE Watch employed at sundry jobs So ends So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 25..42 Longitude " " 60..30

Thursday 16th Began with fresh wind from NE and squally Carry all sail and steering NW Middle and latter parts had fair weather and light wind from the same way Steer the same course Nothing of consequence done onboard Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 26..21 Long [LONGITUDE] 61..25

Friday 17th Throughout this day had pleasant weather and light wind Ship under all sail and steering NW by N Watch employed mending sails Saw two Brigs steering to the Southward Latitude 25 41 Long [LONGITUDE] 62..30

Saturday 18th All this day had light airs from NE by N and pleasant Carry all sail and steer NW by N Saw a Schn [SCHOONER] steering South A Brig steering Nth [NORTH] Latitud[E] 28..00 Long [LONGITUDE] 63..55

Sunday 19th Began with light wind from S East and rainy Middle and latter parts had fresh wind from NE The day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 29..00 Longitude 65..00 West

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