Monday 20th September 1852 This day began with fresh wind from NE and pleasant weather Ship under all sail steering NW Middle and latter parts nearly calm The watch on deck variously employed So ends Lat [LATITUDE] 29..13 Long [LONGITUDE] 66..00
Tuesday 21st Began pleasant and nearly calm Lowered a boat to see how the masts stood Middle and latter parts had nearly the same weather Ship under all sail and steering NW by Nth [NORTH] Nothing in sight but water Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 29..20 Long [LONGITUDE] 66..30
Wednesday 22ond Throughout this day had pleasant weather and light wind from N East Steer NW by N 1/2 N The watch on deck employed at sundry jobs Saw two pieces of squid and some small fish So ends all well Latitude 29..58 Long [LONGITUDE] 67..10
Thursday 23th [RD] Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and light wind from Nth [NORTH] and NNE Ship under all sail steering NW by N Watch employed gitting [GETTING] out water So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 29..59 Longitude 67..50
Friday 24th Began with light wind from NNW and fair weather Heed [HEAD] W Middle squally and variable wind Tack ship and heed [HEAD] NNW a whil[E] and then the wind hauled back to N by E Wore ship heed [HEAD] NW by W the remainder of the day Lat [LATITUDE] 30..09 Long [LONGITUDE] 68..30
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