Tuesday 21st October 1851 Commenced fair [...] watch variously employed Middle and latter parts wind and weather the same watch variously employed
Wednesday 22ond Throughout this day had pleasant weather and a light wind take onboard 140 barrels of water and put it below also took some pumpkins and put them over the stern
Thursday 23thd All this day had pleasant weather and a light wind from S East half the crew ashore on Liberty sent two barrels of oil onshore so ends all well
Friday 24th Commenced fair wind S East Middle and latter parts wind and weather the same watch employed cleaning Ship so ends all well Latitude
Saturday 25thy Throughout this day had pleasant weather and a light wind one watch ashore on Liberty finished gitting [GETTING] water and took 8 barrels of potatoes
Sunday 26th All this day had fair weather got our potatoes and onions all onboard and ship ready for sea
Monday 27th Throughout this day had pleasant weather and a light breeze from East all hands employed setting up rigging so ends
Tuesday 28th October 1851 All this day had pleasant weather at 10 O[']clock PM[?] all hands onboard took our anchor and started for woahoo [OAHU] so ends
Wednesday 29th Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind from West Middle and latter parts weather the same Run down to woahoo [OAHU] and the Capt [CAPTAIN] went on shore lay off and on whilst so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] --
Thursday 30th Commenced with pleasant weather and a breeze from East At 2 PM the Capt [CAPTAIN] came off and steered of[F] S by East set studding sails Middle and latter parts had nearly the same weather put our chain below and craft in the boats so ends all well Latitude 19..08 Longitude 157..00
Friday 31st Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind from from East Ship under all sail steering S by East Middle and latter parts had strong wind watch employed mending sails one sail in sight Obsd [OBSERVED] Latitude 18..16 North Longitude 158..31 --
Saturday 1 November Throughout this day had pleasant weather and a fine breeze from East by South Ship under all sail steering South by East watch employed at mending sails in Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 15..54 Longitude 158..35
Sunday 2ond November 1851 Commenced with pleasant weather and a fine breeze from EN East steering South by East Middle squally Latter part fair one ship in sight the day being the Sabbath nothing of consequence done onboard Lat [LATITUDE] 13..29 Longitude 158..30
Monday 3thd Began with pleasant weather and light wind from EN East Ship under all sail steering S by East Middle squally latter part fair and fresh trades watch employed middle stitching a Top sail so ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 11=30 Longitude 158..30
Tuesday 4th Commenced with pleasant weather and a fresh wind Middle and latter parts nearly the same weather watch employed mending a Top sail so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 9..40 Longitude 158..28
Wednesday 5th Throughout this day had fresh trades and fair weather Ship under all sail steering SS East per Compass watch variously employed Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 8..16 Long [LONGITUDE] 157..00
Thursday 6th Throughout this day had squally disagreeable weather Split the Mizzen Top sail and fore Top Gallant sail onbent [UNBENT?] them and and bent others also split the Jib in Latitude 7..10 Longitude 166..40
Friday 7th November 1851 Commenced with strong trades and rain steer S by East Middle and latter parts then more moderate but squally so ends Lat [LATITUDE] 5 40 Longitude 166=25
Saturday 8th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had tolerable fair weather and a breeze from ES East Ship under all sail steering SW Employed mending a Top sail and altering a Mizzen Top Gallant sail so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 4..45 Longitude 157..40
Sunday 9th Commenced with pleasant weather and light wind from S East steering S West saw finbacks and plenty of feede [FEED] Middle and latter parts light wind and squally weather the day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done Lat [LATITUDE] 4..10 Longitude 158=40
Monday 10th Commenced with squally weather and rain Middle the same Latter part had a breeze from S East Steer SW by South finished mending the fore Top sail and bent it in Latitude 4=00 Long [LONGITUDE] 159=39 --
Tuesday 11th Throughout this day had fair weather and a light wind from E By South Ship under all sail steering SW by South Coopper [COOPERED] our sperm oil and went to work on a sail so ends in Latitude 2..30 Long [LONGITUDE] = 159..50
Wednesday 12th Throughout this day had plesant [PLEASANT] weather and a fresh wind from East Ship under all sail steering S by East per compass watch employed mending sails nothing in sight but water so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 00=37 North Longitude 161..00
Thursday 13th Commenced pleasant weather and a light wind from East Ship under all sail steering S by East at 9 night tack Ship unt [UNTIL?] 2 and then tacked again latter part watch employed mending sals [SAILS] so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 00..35 miles south Longitude 160..26
Friday 14th Throughout this day had plesant [PLEASANT] weather and a light wind from ENE Ship under all sail steering SSE watch employed at Ships duty saw two or three finbacks and some porpases [PORPOISES] so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 3..02 Longitude 159..51 --
Saturday 15th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a light wind from ENE steer SE by S 1/2 South Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 5..06 Longitude 159=15
Sunday 16th All this day had pleasant weather and a light air steer close hauled to the southward so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 6..59 Longitude 159..05 west