Log of the bark Timor, 1849-1852



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Saturday December 13th 1851 Commenced with light wind from the north and rain SSE Latter part had fresh wind from WSW and rather squally steer the same course watch employed makeing [MAKING] belaying pins so ends all well Latitude 36..10 Long [LONGITUDE] 158..20

Sunday 14th Began with fair weather wind from NW Ship under all sail steering SS East Middle and latter parts had strong wind from SW and pleasant weather carry all sail steer by the wind the day being the Sabbath nothing of consequence done onboard Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 37..22 Longitude 157..50

Monday 15th Began with pleasant weather and a fresh wind from SW Ship under all sail steering by the wind Middle and latter parts had about the same weather so ends Lat [LATITUDE] 38..07 Long [LONGITUDE] 156..40 West

Tuesday 16th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a fresh breeze from SS East and south at 3 AM tacked ship and stood to the Wward [WESTWARD] 7 hours and then tacked again saw a ship steering to the S East latter part fit a pair of Jib whips so ends in Latitude 39..23 Longitude 155..50

Wednesday 17th Commenced with pleasant weather and and a fresh wind from SSW steer S East Middle and latter parts squally watch employed at necessary duty so ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 40..29 Long [LONGITUDE] 153..50

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Thursday 18th December 1851 Began with fair weather and light wind from SSW steer S East spoke and gamed [GAMMED] with Ship Harrison of New bedford 13 months out with 350 barrels Middle and latter parts wind and weather the same nothing of consequence occured [OCCURRED] Latitude 41..47 Longitude 152..15

Friday 19th Commenced with fresh wind from S West fair weather steering [...] Middle light airs and rain Latter part strong wind from WNW Ship under all sail steering South so ends all well Latitude 43..45 Long [LONGITUDE] 153..2

[Sunday CROSSED OUT] 20 Saturday 20th Throughout this day had a gale from NW and squally Double reef and steered South supposed Latitude 45..50 Long [LONGITUDE] 153..40

Sunday 21st Began with a gale and thick nasty weather at 3 PM hauled on the wind to the SW Latter part had strong wind wind from W by N ship under Top sails steering to the SW the day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] Longitude

Miinday 22ond Began with strong wind from West and a greate [GREAT] sea from SSW Ship labours [LABORS] hard Middle part had nearly the sam[E] weather Latter part had a gale and hard rain Close Reefed the Main Top sail shiped [SHIPPED] a sea that stove the Bow boat took her in and put her overheed [OVERHEAD] so ends in Latitude 47..20 Longitude 1155..50

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Tuesday 23th [RD] Began with a gale from WNW and rain At 2 PM set the fore sail and soon double reefed Top sails latter part had light wind from south and pleasant weather steer west Latitude 47..02 Longitude 157..11

Wednesday 24th Began fair and light wind from SSW ship under all sail steer WNW Brake [BROKE] out for bread latter part had a gal[E] from NNW steer close hauled with the starbord [STARBOARD] tacks aboard overhaul our potatoes so ends in Latitude Longitude 159..02

Thursday 25th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had a gal[E] from WNW first part had rain Latter part fair carry all prudent sail the day ends in Latitude 47..00 Longitude 159..47

Friday 26th Commenced fair and nearly calm heed [HEAD] NN East nothing more occured [OCCURRED] worth remarks so ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 46..04 Longitude 158..20

Saturday 27th Commenced with pleasant weather and brisk wind from West heed [HEAD] SSW hand the flying Jib Middle and latter parts rather squally Brake [BROKE] out for meete [MEAT] water and molasses so ends in latitude 44..19 Longitude 158..32

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Sunday 28th December 1851 Began fair weather and a brisk wind from West at 3 O[']clock wore Ship latter part misty and a light breeze from WNW steer to the SW the day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard so ends in Latitude 44..57 - Longitude 159..39 --

Monday 29th Commenced with a light wind from W by N and dark weather Middle a gale and rain double reefed Latter part the wind shifted to SW wore Ship & made sail Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 45..37 Long [LONGITUDE] 160..49

Tuesday 30th Commenced with strong wind from SW steer to the NW at 7 PM wore Ship latter part had a gale from West tacked Ship and carried double reefed Top sails the remainder of the day Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 45..32 Longitude 161..08 West

Wednesday 31st Began with a gale from NNW heed [HEAD] West Ship under double reefed top sails Middle and latter parts wind and weather nearly the same turn out reefs and set the Main sail so ends in Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 44..32 Long [LONGITUDE] 161..59

Thursday January 1st Throughout this day had fresh wind from SW Carry all sail that was prudent and steered to the SW saw one finback so ends in Latitude 44..00 Long [LONGITUDE] 163..45

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Friday 2ond January 1852 Commenced with fresh wind from SW and dark weather Ship by the wind to the North West latter part had fair weather and light wind from WNW at 9 AM tacked Ship and heeded [HEADED] South per Compass Lat [LATITUDE] 43..32 Long LONGITUDE] 165..00

Saturday 3thd The day began with fair weather and a light wind from WNW Ship under all sail steering by the wind to the S West bend a fore sail and fore topmast staysail in Latitude 44..50 Longitude 166..00

Sunday 4th Commenced with with strong wind from N West and rain steer SW carry all prudent sail at 6 PM the wind shifted suddenly to S East trimed [TRIMMED] yards and steered WSW double reefed latter part had fair weather set all sail saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks and some feede [FEED] the day being the Sabbath nothing of consequence done onboard Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 44..31 Longitude 168 40

Monday 5th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind and fair weather carry all sail through the d [DAY] and shortened at night steering West SW per Compass Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 44..37 Longitude by Chronometer 171..05

Tuesday 6th January Throughout this day had light wind from the north steering W saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks at night handed Top gallant sails and set a quawter [QUARTER] watch Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 44..06 Longitude 173..00

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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