Thursday 25th March 1852 Commenced with pleasant weather and a light breeze from S East Ship under all sail steering by the wind Heed [HEAD] ENE Latter part had nearly the same weather steering the same cours[E] Watch employed at ships duty So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 34..26 Longitude 168..26
Friday 26th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had strong winds from SSE and rather squally Ship under all sail People employed bradeing [BRAIDING] sinnet and stroping [STROPPING] block and sundry other jobs as required So ends in Lat [LATITUDE] 44 35 Long [LONGITUDE] 166..30
Saturday 27th Began with fresh wind from S East and fair weather Ship under all sail steering clos[E] hauled with the starboard tacks aboard Latter part had a light air from same way Steer the same way People employed at sundry jobs So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 34..26 Longitude 165..30 West
Sunday 28 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a light breeze from SS East Carry all sail and steer by the wind with the starbord [STARBOARD] tacks aboard The day being the sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard So ends in Latitude 34=20 Longitude 165..00
Monday 29th Commenced light wind from SE and fair Latter part had strong wind from ESE Tack ship lay up SSE The day ends in Lat [LATITUDE] 34..40 Longitude 165..00
Tuesday 30th March 1852 Commenced with fresh wind from E by S and a heavy swell from the South Ship under all sail steering by the wind to the South Middle and latter parts had had the wind from East NE and squally Ship labours [LABORS] hard Watch employed at various jobs jobs of ships duty Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 36..19 Longitude 162..45
Wednesday 31st The day began with strong wind from ENE and rather squally Ship under all sail head S East Middle and latter parts had a light breeze from N East and dark weather Head SE by East Watch employed makeing [MAKING] mats straping [STROPPING] blocks and plating[?] sinnet So ends all well Latitude 37..20 Longitude 161..30 west
Thursday April 1 Commenced light wind from N East and dark weather Head ESE Watch employed setting up bobstays Latter part wind weather and course the same People variously employed Nothing in sight but water Supposed Latitude by DR [DEAD RECKONING] 38..25 Longitude 160..25
Friday 2ond The day began with dark weather and a light breeze from NE by N Tack ship heed [HEAD] NNW Keepe [KEPT] a sharp lookout for whales Middle and latter part[S] had a strong wind from NE and squally Carry all sail heeding [HEADING] NN West People variously employed as required So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 37..25 Longitude 162..00 west
Saturday April 3thd AD 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had a gale from N East and dark weather Carry all prudent sail Heed [HEAD] NW by Nth [NORTH] per Compass Watch employed bradeing [BRAIDING] sinnet and makeing [MAKING] Thum [THUMB OR RHUMB?] line So ends Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 36..23 Longitude 162..30
Sunday 4th Commenced with strong wind from NNE and dark Ship under double reefed Top sails and Courses heeding [HEADING] NW per Compass At 6 O[']clock PM the wind shifted suddenly to N Wore Ship and turned out the reefs Latter part light wind and fair weather So ends in Latitude 36..07 Longitude 161..30
Monday 5th Began with pleasant weather and a light wind from Nth [NORTH] Ship under all sail heed [HEAD] ENE Middle and latter parts had nearly the same weather Watch employed at sundry jobs of ships duty The day ends in Latitude 36..15 Longitude 161..00 west
Tuesday 6th Began with light wind from NNW and a swell from the same way Steer by the wind Middle and latter parts had the wind from the S East and some rain Carry all sail Watch variously employed Supposed Latitude 35..40 Longitude 160..20
Wednesday 7th Theese [THESE] 24 hours commenced with fresh wind from S East and squally Ship under all sail steering N East Middle and latter parts the same So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 33..16 Longitude 168..30
Thursday April 8th 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had strong wind from S East and ES East and fair weather Carry all prudent sail and steer NE by East People employed at ships duty So ends all well in Latitude 31..42 Longitude 156..47
Friday 9th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a fresh wind from East Ship under all sail steering by the wind Heed [HEAD} from NE by Nth [NORTH] to NN East Watch employed squareing [SQUARING] rattlings So ends all well Latitude 30..17 Longitude 156..00
Saturday 10th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from N East and rather squally Carry all sail and steer close hauled Heed [HEAD] NNW People employed taughtening [TIGHTENING] rattlings on the lower rigging and bradeing [BRAIDING] sinnet So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 28..35 Longitude 156=12
Sunday 11th Commenced with light baffling wind and frequent rain Head NW by N At 8 [PM?] tacked Ship Middle and latter parts had light wind from NNE Square yards and set studding sails Steer SE by E So ends Lat [LATITUDE] 29..10 Long [LONGITUDE] 155..30
Monday 12th Began with light wind from Nth [NORTH] Ship under all sail steering SE by East Latter part had fresh wind from N by East and some rain Carry all possibl[E] sail Course the same So ends all well Latitude by DR [DEAD RECKONING] 30..35 Longitude per Count[?] 153..52
Tuesday 13th April 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had strong wind from N by East and nasty weather Carry all sail and steer ESE Brake [BROKE] out the fore hatch for water and to see how mutch [MUCH] water we had So ends all well Supposed Latitude 32..15 Longitude 151..07
Wednesday 14th Commenced with strong wind from N and some rain Brake [BROKE] out the after hatch for meete [MEAT] and spun yarn Middle and latter parts had a light wind from WNW and hard rain Watch employed washing So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] DR [DEAD RECKONING] 33..40 Longitude per Count 149..36
Thursday 15th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from NW and pleasant weather Ship under all sail steering S East Hands employed at sundry jobs of ships duty rig stages and [???] the starbord [STARBOARD] side of the Ship So ends in Latitude 33..56 Longitude 1149..10 [149..10]
Friday 16th Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind from NW Ship under all sail steering SE Middle and latter part[S] had a breeze from the same way and squally attended with rain and lightning So ends all well Latitude 34..52 per Count Long [LONGITUDE] 147..30
Saturday 17th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from South and squally Heed [HEAD] ESE Watch employed mending a fore sail The day ends in Latitude 35..45 Longitude 145..10 west