Log of the bark Timor, 1849-1852



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Thursday May 13th 1852 All theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from NNE and dark weather Carry all sail in the daytime and shorten sails at night Nothing of consequence done onboard So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 54..06 Longitude 98..10

Friday 14th Began with strong wind from NNE and squally Ship under all sail Heed [HEAD] ESE Middle and latter parts wind and weather nearly the same Steer ESE Nothing of consequence done onboard The second mate nearly well The day ends in Latitude 55..54 Longitude 95..00

Saturday 15 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from the Nth [NORTH] and squally Heed [HEAD] up E by N and ENE Carry all prudent sail The day ends in Latitude 56..20 Longitude 90..55

Sunday 16th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from N by East and frequent rain squalls Carry all sail and steer to the Eastward The day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard So ends all well Latitude 56..51 Longitude 89..10 --

Monday 17th Commenced with light baffling wind from from NE and East and some snow Ship under all sail steering to the S East At 8 AM the wind East Tacked Ship hed [HEAD] Nth [NORTH] per Compass So ends all well in Latitude 57..06 Longitude 87..21

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Tuesday May 18th 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling wind from the Eastward and a greate [GREAT] swell from the Nth [NORTH] and frequent snow squalls Heed [HEAD] NNE So ends in Latitude 56..00 Longitude 85..29 --

Wednesday 19th Had light wind from SE and often snow and rain Steer NE by East Saw a sail aheed [AHEAD] steering East Nothing of consequence done The second mate not well Yet so ends in Latitude 55..46 Longitude 82..29 West

Thursday 20th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling wind wind fair weather Ship under all sail steering NE by E The sail in sight So ends all well Latitude 56..00

Friday Wednesday 21st Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from S and SSE and verry [VERY] squally Double reef and hand the Main sail and Jib Latter the wind rather abates Make some sail Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 56..18 Long [LONGITUDE] 79..00

Thursday 22ond Saturday 22 May 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from S East and verry [VERY] squally Carry all prudent sail Heed [HEAD] EN East Saw a small Bark lying to on the oposit [OPPOSITE] tack So ends in Latitude 56..18 Longitude 77..25 west

Sunday 23thd Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had variable wind and nearly a calm for the most part At 9 AM lowered a boat and boarded Bark Scottish Maid 105 days from Abberdean [ABERDEEN] bound to Valparaiso wished to be reported all well Latitude 55..59 Long [LONGITUDE] 76..41

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Monday May 24th 1852 Commenced with light airs from South and dark weather Ship heeds [HEADS] E by South Middle and last parts had had a fine breeze from West Carry all sail steering E by S and East Saw a Ship steering NW So ends in Latitude Longitude

Tuesday 25th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a breeze from NW Ship under all sail steering to the Eastward At 8 AM made Diegoes [DIEGO RAMIREZ ISLANDS] bareing [BEARING] NE by Nth [NORTH] per Compass Saw one ship steering to the westward So ends all well Both[?] the second mate [...]

Wednesday 26th All theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from NW and pleasant weather Ship under all sail At 2 PM passed Diegoes [DIEGO RAMIREZ ISLANDS] and then steared steered NE by East Latter part near calm abrast [ABREAST] of the Cape Watch variously employed So ends in Latitude Longitude

Thursday 27th The day commenced with light wind from WNW and rainy Ship under all sail steering SE by East Middle and latter parts had a breeze from NW Steer NE by N Saw 4 ships all steering to the SW So ends all well Latitude 56..19 Longitude 65..29

Friday 28th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from NW and tolerable fair weather Steering NE by Nth [NORTH] per Compass saw 3 sail[S] all steering to to the NW Latitude 55..18 Longitude 62..40

Saturday 29th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling airs and some fog Work to the NE Saw two ships steering SW Lat [LATITUDE] 55..15 Long [LONGITUDE] 62..00

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Sunday May 30th 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from E by Nth [NORTH] and nasty weather Ship under all sail working to the Nward [NORTHWARD] The day being the Sabbath nothing of consequence done onboard So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 55..00 Longitude 61..30

Monday 31st Throughout this day had light wind from E and ENE and thick nasty weather Ship under all sail steering from NNE to NNW The watch on deck variously employed So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 53..40 Longitude 61..10

Tuesday 1st June 1852 Commenced with a strong wind from N East and rainy Ship under all sail steering to to the NW At 6 O[']clock double reefed and wore Ship Latter part had the wind from NW to NE and blows a gale Handed the fore and Mizen [MIZZEN] Top sails So ends all well Latitude by DR [DEAD RECKONING] 63..20 Longitude 58..30

Wednesday 2ond Began with a gale from WNW Steer off ENE until 6 O[']clock and then hauled up the fore sail and loughed [LUFFED] to heeding [HEADING] WSS Latter part had strong wind Set all sail and steer S by [...] Compass Saw a Bark Ship steering to the south West So ends all well Latitude 52..50 Longitude 58..00

Thursday 3th [RD] Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from NW and carry all the sail we can and steer to the SE close hauled Nothing of consequence done onboard So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 51..25 Longitude 56..20

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Friday May 4th June 1852 All this day had fresh wind from NW and dark hazey [HAZY] weather Carry all sail for the most part and steer each way Brake [BROKE] out for water and commenced splicing the flying Jibboom Nothing more done onboard So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 50..32 Longitude 55..00

Saturday 5th June Commenced with fresh wind from NNW and fair weather Ship under all sail At 2 PM hand the Main Top gallant sail and double reefed fore and Mizzen Top sails Head NE[?] At midnight the wind NN East Tack Ship Latter part had fresh wind from NNE and thick weather Head NW by W and WNW So ends all well Latitude 49..48 Longitude 54..26

Sunday 6th Commencd with thick weather and fresh wind from N by E At 2 PM double reefed At 10 night the wind shifted suddenly to WNW and blew a gale Wore Ship and reefed the Main sail and furled the Mizzen Top sail Head N and N by W So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 47..02 Longitude 54..00

Monday 7th Began with fresh wind from W and a nasty sea Ship under double reefed fore and main Top sails Head N by West Middle and latter parts had the wind from SW and rather squally Steer NW Carry all sail that is prudent The day ends in Latitude 48 06 Long [LONGITUDE] 55..35 west

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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