Log of the bark Timor, 1849-1852





Tuesday 8th June 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had fresh wind from SW and W and squally Carry all the sail we can and steer NW by N At 10 AM the Topmast studding sail halyards[?] parted and the yard went through the Jib Hauled down the sail and stowed it away and onbent [UNBENT?] the Jib So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 46 09 Longitude 56..09

Wednesday 9th Throughout thees [THESE] 24 hours had strong wind from WSW and verry [VERY] cold Carry all sail that is prudent and steer NW by Nth [NORTH] First part watch employed mending a Jib Latter part little or nothing So ends all well Latitude 44..27 Longitude 47..30

Thursday 10th Began with strong wind from WNW and dark weather Ship under single reefed Top sails steering by the wind to the Nward [NORTHWARD] Middle and latter parts had light wind and pleasant weather Splice a fly Jibboom and fore Top Gallant mast in Latitude 42..52 Longitude 57..00

Friday 11th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling wind and hazey [HAZY] weather Steer to the NW Employed splicing a fore Top gallant mast So ends in Latitude 42..50 Longitude 57..30

Saturday 12th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours have light variable wind Carry all the sail Steer from SW to NW Sounded twice No botam [BOTTOM] Latter part send up the fore Top gallant mast and yard So ends in Latitude 42..42 Long [LONGITUDE] 57..57

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg


Sunday 13th June 1852 Commenced with pleasant weather and light wind from SSW ship under all sail steering W by S Saw five Sulphur [SULFUR] Bottoms Middle and latter parts had nearly the same weather The day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 42..05 Longitude by Chronometer 58..50

Monday 14th Began with pleasant weather and light wind from South At 2 PM squared yards and steered N by East Latter part had a breeze from NE Steer to the N West Watch employed fixing[?] fly Jib guys So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 41..21 Longitude 58..00

Tuesday 15th Began with fresh wind from NNE and some rain At 1 PM wore Ship Saw two finbacks At 4 PM lowered a boat and boarded Ship Harriet Irving 65 days from Boston Middle part had some rain Last part had fair weather wind Stand in shore At noon had 50 fathoms water So ends Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 41..18 Longitude 59..20

Wednesday 16th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from N East and pleasant cold weather Ship under all the sail steering each way by the wind Spoke and gamed [GAMMED] with a[N] English Ship 75 days from Liverpool bound to Cale [CALIFORNIA?] Send out the fly Jibboom So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 41..31 Longitude 58..40

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Thursday 17th June 1852 Began with pleasant weather and light wind from NE and NNE Ship under all sail standing in shore Saw one finback Middle and latter parts had thick weather and calm Watch variously employed at sundry jobs of ships duty So ends all well Supposed Latitude 41..40 Longitude 58..55

Friday 18th Began with light wind from NNE and thick weather Ship drifting around Lowered a boat and tryed [TRIED] for fish but caught none Latter part had a breese [BREEZE] from East and rain Heed [HEAD] NE by N and NNE Nothing of consequence done onboard Supposed Latitude 41..20 Longitude 59..00

Saturday 19th Began with dark rainy weather and a light wind from East and NNE by the wind Middle and latter parts had a gale from South At 3 O[']clock in the morning the Ship breached to and shivered our sails badly Latter part all hands employed repairing damage So goes Supposed Latitude 40..00 Long [LONGITUDE] 55..00

Sunday 20th Commenced with a gale from SW and dark weather At 2 PM squared yards and steered off NE per Compass Middle and latter parts had fair weather and a fine breeze from WSW [???] up our sails to dry for mending Saw two Sulphur [SULFUR] Bottoms The day being the Sabbath nothing of consequence done onboard So passed this day Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 37..55 south Longitude

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg


Monday 21st June 1852 Began pleasant and a fine breeze from WSW Ship under all the sail we can muster Steering N East Middle and latter parts had weather the same and a breeze from W Steer NE by Nth [NORTH] All hands employed mending sails Nothing more occured [OCCURRED] worth remarks So ends all well but one man Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 36..53 Longitude 52..40

Tuesday 22ond Commenced with pleasant weather and light wind from NW Finished mending our Courses and bent them Middle and latter part[S] had the wind from N by W Steer close hauled Watch employed at sundry jobs of ships duty Saw one spout Supposed to be a finback So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 35..56 Long [LONGITUDE] 51..00

Wednesday 23thd Began with light wind from N by East and rainy Head East Saw three Sulphur [SULFUR] Botams [BOTTOMS] and lowered for them but could not git [GET] holde [HOLD] of them Latter part had fresh wind from South and pleasant Carry all the sail Steer N by E Saw two ships One steering Nth [NORTH] The [OTHER] by the wind to the S East Lat [LATITUDE] 34..02 Long [LONGITUDE] 50..00

Thursday 24th Theese [THESE] 24 hours commenced with light wind from South and pleasant Steering N by East Middle calm Latter part had a light wind from NW and cloudy Ship under all the sail steering by the wind to the N East Employed mending a Top sail Saw two ships steering to the NW Saw severel [SEVERAL] spouts Supposed to be finbacks So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 33..13 Longitude by DR [DEAD RECKONING] 49..40

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg


Friday 25th June 1852 Began with pleasant weather and light wind from NW Head NNE Saw a Barque steering SW Boarded a Brig from New Castle bound to Monttevedio [MONTEVIDEO] Middle and latter parts have a breeze from WNW Steer by the wind Saw severel [SEVERAL] Sulphur Bottams [SULFUR BOTTOMS] Watch employed mending a Top sail So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 32..34 Longitude 48..39 --

Saturday 26th Commenced with light wind from NW by W and pleasant weather Ship under all the sail Head N by E Onbend [UNBENT?] the fore Top sail and bend another Nothing in sight but water Middle and latter parts had nearly the same weather Wind NW Saw a Bark steering N East Watch employed mending a fore top sail and rattleing [RATTLING] th[E] the Top yard rigging So ends in Latitude 31..57 Long [LONGITUDE] 48..00

Sunday 27th Began with pleasant weather and light wind from NW by Nth [NORTH] Ship under all the sail steering by the wind Head NE by N Saw a ship steering by the wind to the SW Middle and latter parts had nearly a calm Weather fair and verry [VERY] warm Watch employed at sundry jobs of ships duty So ends in Latitude 30..09 31..05 Longitude 46..58

Monday 28th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light baffling wind from South W to SE and pleasant weather Carry all the sail steering NNW per Compass Watch to work on the rigging Open Beef and Pork and started water So ends all well Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 30..19 Longitude 47..13

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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