Log of the bark Timor, 1849-1852



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Tuesday 29th June 1852 Commenced with nearly a calm and pleasant weather Ship under all the sail steering NNW Watch employed wetting the hole [HOLD] Middle and latter parts had fine weather and a ligh[T] wind from Nth [NORTH] Steer to the Wward [WESTWARD] by the wind At 10 O[']clock raised a sperm whale and chased hard but could not git holde [GET HOLD] So ends in Latitude 30..10 Longitude by Chr [CHRONOMETER]

Wednesday 30th Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had light wind from the Westward and pleasant weather Ship under all the sail steering by the [...] At 5 PM the whale bore WNW about 5 miles off Latter part keepe [KEPT] a sharp lookout but saw nothing but finbacks Watch variously employed Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] Longitude

Thursday 1st July Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind from WNW Head N At 4 PM the wind hauled to the SW Squared yards and set a studding sail Course N by W Latter part had nearly a calm Saw severel [SEVERAL] Jumpers Send up the Mizzen Top gallant yard and and mast So ends in Latitude 29..14 Longitude 47..12

Friday 2ond Began with pleasant weather and a light wind from Nth [NORTH] Heed [HEAD] to the westward Middle and latter parts had a light air from SSE Head NW At half past eleven made the land and at noon tacked ship Saw one sail steering WSW Saw a number of finbacks and Sulphur Bottams [SULFUR BOTTOMS] So ends The Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 29..12 Longitude The land in sight dist [DISTANCE] 36 miles

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Saturday 3thd July 1852 Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had pleasant weather and a light wind from NNW and NW and pleasant weather Ship under all the sail steering by the wind to N East Latter part watch employed washing down the masts Saw a Bark standing to the westward Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] Longitude by Chronometer

Sunday [...]th Began with pleasant weather and a light breeze from NNW Ship under all the sail Head NE Middle and latter parts wind and weather nearly the same Saw a number of finbacks and sulphur [SULFUR] bottoms in different directions The day being the Sabbath no labour [LABOR] done onboard worth remarks So ends Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 28..22 Longitude 46..30 by Chr [CHRONOMETER]

Monday 5th Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind from NW Ship under all the sail steering close hauled Head NE by Nth [NORTH] Middle and latter parts had fesh wind from N and cloudy Continue by the wind to the N East Watch employed bradeing [BRAIDING] sinnets [SO] ends in Latitude 27..59 Longitude 45..35

Tuesday 6th Began with fresh wind from Nth [NORTH] Head ESE Middle the same At 2 O[']clock [AT] night the wind shifted suddenly to S by W Squared yards and steered N by W Set studding sails Latter part had some rain No Obs [OBSERVATION] Supposed Latitude 27..10 Long [LONGITUDE] 45..00

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Wednesday 7th July 1852 The day began with a breeze from S by W and some rain Ship under all the sail steering N by W per compass Middle and latter parts had nearly the same weather Send down the cutting pendents [PENDANTS] to lengthen the chain cable and got them up to [...] So ends in Latitude Longitude

Thursday 8th Began with a breeze from S by W and misty Ship under all the sail steering N by W Watch employed washing Ship Latter part had fresh wind from N by W and squally Steer NE by E by the wind The land in sight Bend the chains and wet wet hole [HOLD] So ends in Latitude 24..08 The land 25 miles off

Friday 9th The day began with a breeze from N by W and fair weather Steer NE by E Carry all the sail that is prudent Latter part had light bafflilng wind and pleasant Steer NE by East Watch employed washing Ship At noon the lighthouse at Rio Janeiro [RIO DE JANEIRO] in sight bearing N by E dist [DISTANCE] 30 miles So ends

Saturday 10th Began with pleasant weather and a light air from SE Steer N by E At 8 O[']clock PM hauled in the studding sail and hauled by the wind The lighthouse on Ra [ILHA RASA] Island bore N W by Nth [NORTH] distance 12 miles Middle nearly calm Latter part had strong wind from West and rainy Carry all the sail to holde [HOLD] on Steer each way by the wind Saw 3 ships and severel [SEVERAL] small craft So ends

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Sunday 11th July 1852 Began with fresh wind from West and rain Ship under all the sail Heed [HEAD] NNW At 1 PM the wind shifted suddenly to South Saw the lighthouse on Rasor [RASA] Island Kept off for it and at 6 O[']clock it bore South Squared yards and steered N 1/2 E At 8 past [PASSED] the lighthouse at enterence [ENTRANCE] of the harbor and at 9 anchored abrest [ABREAST] of the St Cruse [SANTA CRUZ] gard [GUARD] boat and light

Monday 12th Began with thick and rainy Received a fiset by the health and Customhouse Officers and the Capt [CAPTAIN] went onshore and sent off some beef potatoes and oranges Middle and latter parts had pleasant weather All hands employed washing and painting Ship except those that ware [WERE] down with the scurvy So end all well but 4

Tuesday 13th Commenced with pleasant weather and a fine sea breeze Employed painting and washing ship Middle calm Latter part weather fair Wind off the land Take inboard 48 barrels of water and finished painting and washing Ship and do severel [SEVERAL] small jobs on the rigging So ends all well Opened one barrel of pork

Wednesday 14th Commenced with pleasant weather and a light sea breeze All variously employed Take onboard a barrel of sugar and bag of coffee Middle calm Latter part had nearly the same weather The starbord [STARBOARD] watch ahore on liberty Larbord [LARBOARD] variously employed onboard Discharged the Second Mate and took the Third Mate in his place So ends

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Thursday 15th Commenced with pleasant weather and a light wind The starbord [STARBOARD] watch ashore on liberty Larbord [LARBOARD] employed fitting Jib Pendents [PENDANTS] and putting rounding on the for Swifters and bowliny [BOWLINE?] bridles in the fore Top sail Latter part had the wind off the land Larbord [LARBOARD] watch ashore on liberty Starbord [STARBOARD] employed setting up rigging So ends all well

Friday 16th The day began with pleasant weather and a sea breeze Nearly all hand[S] ashore on liberty Latter part have weather the same Wind off the the land Half the crew ashore and the rest employed setting up rigging Take onboard twelve bushels of oranges and some other small articles

Saturday 17th Commenced fair weather and a light wind from SSW Half the crew onshore Take onboard twelve bushels of potatoes Latter part had nearly the same weather At 7 O[']clock the Capt [CAPTAIN] went onshore to clear the Ship Hand[s] variously employed onboard So passed this day

Sunday 18th Commenced with a light air from East and pleasant At 8 PM all hands onboard Middle and latter parts wind and weather nearly the same At 6 O[']clock in the morning took our anchor and put to sea Lowered the boats and towed out passed St Cruse [SANTA CRUZ] fort At noon Rasor [ILHA RASA] Island bore SW by W distance 5 miles Cut[?] and fish boath [BOTH] anchors So ends the day all well

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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