Log of the bark Timor, 1849-1852



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For Mother's safe protection good angels flew before

Towards the land of promise Columbia's hapy [HAPPY] shore

Hail, thou victorious Gospel and that auspicious

When Mother safely landed in North America.

. . . . .

About four years she labored with the atentive [ATTENTIVE]

While all their sins they opened and righted

At length she closed her labors and vanosh [VANISHED] out of sigh[T]

And left her faithful children increasing in the light

How much they are mistaken who think that Mothers [IS] dead

When through her ministrations so many souls are feed [FED]

In union with the Father she is the second Eve

Dispensing full salvation to all who do believe

Truths would you teach to save a sinking land

All shun none aid you and few understand


Glory to God the holy angels cry

Glory to God let ev[']ry heart reply."

The sun of righteousness now shines on earth

And peace returns at our Redeemer[']s birth

Good will to men the holy angels cry

Good will to men let ev[']ry heart reply

Let hated strife and wrath be heard no more

But peace and love be spread from shore to shore

Glory to God the holy angels cry

Glory to God who sent his Son from heaven

For us a child is born a Savior given"

He comes with peace and pardon from above

And rules his people with the laws of love

Jesus the long expected Savior's [HAS] come

Let every heart prepare him room"

Let infant tongues proclaim his love abroad

And join to praise their Savior and their God

Last edit about 1 year ago by jrg
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Amagansett November 5th 1852 This is to certify that me and my husband has has this day sepperated [SEPARATED] by mutual consent Tharefore [THEREFORE] we say to the public we donte [DON'T] wish them them to trust ether [EITHER] party on the other[']s account and wish you to publish it in your paper

Erastus Barns[?]

Rebeca H Conhlon

Thomas D Barns


Long island

County of suffolk

Catherine E Barns


Long island

County of suffolk

David C Barns


Long island

County of suffolk

Erastus Barns


Long island


I received your letter of the 14th whishing [WISHING] to know whether I would like to go with you this season I had sent you word two days before I received your letter

Sir I reread your letter with great pleasure the 18th of February

Last edit about 1 year ago by jrg
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Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Aug[?] EL M

513 On opening a House of Worship

HERE in thy name eternal God!

He built this earthly house for the

Oh! make it now[?] thy [???] above

And keep it Lord! from error free


When here thy people seek thy face

And crying sinners pry [PRAY?] to live

Here thou in heaven thy dwelling place

And when thou hearest Lord forgive


Here when thy messengers proclaim a [???]

The blessed gospel of thy sion[?]

Still, by the power of his great name

be mighty signs and wonders done


When childrens['] voices raise the song

Hozannah [HOSANNA] to their heavenly king

Let heaven with with the strain[?] prolong

Hozannah [HOSANNA}!" let the angels sing


But will indeed Jehovah deign

Here to abide -- no transient guest

Here will our great Redeemer reign

And here the Holy Spirit rest


Thy glory never hence depart

Yet choose not Lord! this house alone

Thy kingdom come in every heart

In every bosom [???] thy throne


Wednesday Febr 23th [RD] began with light winds and fair weather Schooner under all sail Wind NE At 9 o[']clock Montauk bore about East by South

Last edit about 1 year ago by jrg
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m many

Em Jane

good ggg oooddd llluuuccckkk

good luck


Wensday good by m m

De E East H

East Ha

Dear Brother

Eo I now 12 my dear


Barn[?] B

Last edit about 1 year ago by jrg
Displaying pages 226 - 230 of 233 in total