Thursday February 7th 1850 Throughout this day Had Light wind from S East and thick hazey [HAZY] weather Ship under all Sail steering SW One Ship in sight steering the Same way saw sever [SEVERAL] spouts supposed to be finbacks People variously employed in the watches the day ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 40..45 S Long [LONGITUDE] 48..50 W
Friday 8th Throughout this day had thick fog and variable wind from S East to North carry all sail steer SW by Sout[H] the watch on deck employed at Sundry Jobs as requd [REQUIRED] This day I considder [CONSIDER] our stweard dangerous[LY] sick the day ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 41..20 Long [LONGITUDE] 50..00
Saturday 9th Began with Light wind from N East and cloudy Ship under all sail steering SW Middle part rather squally Last part nearly Calm one Ship In sight all hands Employed Stowing Down our Sperm Oil 72 Barrels In the fore Hatch In Lat [LATITUDE] 42..45 Long [LONGITUDE] 50..55
Sunday 10th The day Began fair and light wind from N East finished stowing down at 3 Oc [O'CLOCK] PM and then had strong wind from North and hard Rain Middle part hazey [HAZY] heavy weather weather from WSW Latter part the Same stand to the Southward and Carry all prudent sail In Lat [LATITUDE] 43..45 Long [LONGITUDE] 50..58
Monday 11th February 1850 Throughout this Day had A heavy gale from WSW and squally Carry all prudent Sail and steer to the Southward the watch on deck variously Employed saw one finback In Lat [LATITUDE] 44..58 Long [LONGITUDE] 50..10
Tuesday 12th Began with strong wind from Westward rather squally Ship under Double Reefed Topsails standing to the southward at 3 O[']clock PM spoke with Ship Marsia [MARCIA] of Newbedford [NEW BEDFORD] from the North West [NORTHWEST] Coast bound home with 2000 barrels of Oil to Cruise one month and [???] sent Letters by him Latter part had strong wind from WNW and dark weather Ship close hauled Starbord [STARBOARD] Tacks aboard the day ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 46..28 Long [LONGITUDE] 50..40
Wednesday 13th Commenced with strong wind from west and Dark weather ship under all sail steering SW by South per Compa[SS] saw A Ship steering N East Middle and Last parts had A heavy gale from WSW and Squally Double Reef and stand to to the NW saw one Humpbac[K] so ends In Latitude 46..13 Longitud[E] 52..20
Thursday 14th Throughout this Day had strong wind NW by W and squally Carry all prudent sail steer each way by the wind watch variously employed In Lat [LATITUDE] 47..45 Long [LONGITUDE] 54..00
Friday February 15th 1850 Began with A gale from WSW steer WSW Middle part Baffling wind and rain Last part had pleasant weather at 9 O[']Clock AM the Steward Dep[?] Mulford Breathed his last all hands was [WERE] called aft and Many Tears was [WERE] shed for him In Lat [LATITUDE] 48..18 Long [LONGITUDE] 56..04
Saturday 16th The day Commenced with plsant [PLEASANT] weather and light wind from WNW Ship under all possible sail steering SW in hopes to git [GET] to the Falkland Islands with the Corps[E] Middle and Latter parts had strong wind from West and clear at 9 O[']Clock in the Morning called all hands and wore Ship and after the usuel [USUAL] Cerimony [CEREMONY] Lanched [LAUNCHED] the Corpse into the Deepe [DEEP] and then wore Ship and went on our Course people variously employed so Ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 48..12 Long [LONGITUDE] 58..35
Sunday 17th Began with fair weather and strong wind WNW Ship under all sail steering to the SW Last part had the wind from SW to NW steer each way close hauled the Day being the Sabbath no Labour [LABOR] done Onboard Lat [LATITUDE] 49..30
Monday 18th Commenced with strong wind N West at 10 O[']Clock PM squared yards and steered South at daylight in the Morning the Land in sight Squared yards and steered East had strong wind from West We[?] are about 2 miles from the Land
Tuesday 11th February 1850 Began fair weather and strong wind from West [???] about two miles from the Land and steer a shore Course at sunset Double Reefed and headed off Shore [OFFSHORE] at 2 Night wore ship Latter part had plesant [PLEASANT] weather went Onshore and got 42 geese and severel [SEVERAL] Ducks and two Seals so ends two Boats Onshore at the Falkland Is[LANDS]
Wednesday 20th Commenced with pleasant weather and light wind from NW at 4 PM the came from the shore squared yards and steered off SE per Compass last part had a gale from N East and hard Rain Double Reef steer SE by S nothing in sight but water no Obs [OBSERVATION] supposed Lat [LATITUDE] 53..30 Long [LONGITUDE] 56..50
Thursday 21st Began with strong wind fron N By [?] and Rain Middle part nearly Calm Latter part had a gale from East attend[ED] with snow and Rain Ship under doub[LE] Reefed Topsail and Reefed Courses steering SW by south supposed Latitude 54..25 Longitude 58..55 west
Friday 22ond Commenced with a gale from SE by South Ship under Double Reefed Topsails steer to the SW by the wind Middle and last parts had nearly the same weather nothing Occured [OCCURRED] worth remarks Latitude per Count 54..20 Longitude 60..00
Saturday 23th [RD] February 1850 Began with strong wind SSEast and squally steering to the SW Middle and last parts had light wind from West and thick tack Ship heed [HEAD] up S by West Mending a fore Top gallant Sail and do[ING] severel [SEVERAL] other Jobs In Latitude 54..25 Longitude 60..50
Sunday 24th Commenced with light wind from WNW and thick weather Ship under all sail steering S West Middle and last parts and a fine breeze from S East to N West steering SW at Noon spoke Ship Clementine of Amsterdam from the NW Coast with 4800 Barrels of Oil Bound home saw one Right whale bound N East Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION] 55..20 Longitude do [DITTO] 62..25
Monday 25th Began with thick weather and a fine breeze from SW by W Ship under all sail to the southward by the wind at Noon A Brig passed us about one mile to the leeward showing English Collers [COLORS] A Ship in sight on our weather quawter [QUARTER] standing the same way In Lat [LATITUDE] 45..45 Long [LONGITUDE] 65.25
Tuesday 26th Comenced with Dark weather and A light breeze from WSW and a greate [GREAT] swell Middle had a gale and verry [VERY] squally close Reefed and heed [HEAD] to the Southward Latter part WNW and quite moderate steer SW by S carry all prudent sail In Lat [LATITUDE] 57..12 Long [LONGITUDE] 66 00