Whaling Log of the Barque Concordia, 1864-1865



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Journal from Sag Harbor Towards Western Islands

Wednesday June 8th 1864

Begins with moderate winds and good weather from NE. Ship under all sail steering E by S. Started our pumps. Found she had leaked 150 strokes in 24 hours. Latter part winds NW. Steering E. Ship under all sail. Saw a shoal of Blackfish. Lat [LATITUDE] 40..18 N Long [LONGITUDE] 64..07 W

Thursday June 9th

Begins with moderate winds and good weather from SW. Ship under all sail steering E by S. Saw five sails steering NW. Mid part wind increased. Latter part strong winds from SW by S. Took in light sails and single reefed the fore topsail. Steering E by S. Carried away the quarter block to the foreyard. Lat [LATITUDE] 40..37 N Long [LONGITUDE] 60..19 W

Friday June 10th

Begins with strong winds from SW. Ship under whole main and single reef fore topsail steering ESE. Mid part double reefed the topsails. Took in the jib and mainsail. Latter part bloying [BLOWING] heavy. Called all hands and took in sail to a clost [CLOSE] reef main topsail. Luffed by the wind on the stabbord [STARBOARD] tack heading SSE.

Saturday June 11th

Begins with a strong gale from SW. Ship on the stabbord [STAROARD] tack under clost [CLOSE] reef main topsails heading SSE. Mid part more moderate. Kept ship off ESE and set the foresail. Latter part wind increased to a heavy gail [GALE]. Took in the foresail and luffed by the wind heading SSE with a very bad sea running. Raining hard the most of the time.

Last edit 3 months ago by jrg
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Journal from Sag Harbor Towards Western Islands

Sunday June 12th 1864

Begins more moderate. Wind hauls to the W. Set whole topsails steering ESE. One sail in sight. Mid part wind hauled to N. Set flying jib and top gallant sail steering ESE by the wind. Latter part baffling winds and raining from SE. Ship under all sail steering by the wind on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack heading SSW and so ends.

Monday June 13th

Begins with strong winds from SSW. Took in light sails steering ESE. The weather cloudy and raining. Saw a barque steering NW with her jib furled fore topsail double reefed and her main top gallant set. Latter part ship under single reefed topsails and courses. Steering ESE. Saw one ship steering E. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..54 N Long [LONGITUDE] 51.00 W

Tuesday June 14th

Begins with strong winds from SW. Ship under double reefed topsails steering ESE. Mid part wind WNW and raining. Latter part light winds from SW. Steering ESE. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..54 N Long [LONGITUDE] 47.00 W

Wednesday June 16th

Begins with moderate winds and good weather from SW. Ship under all sail steering ESE. Latter part much the same. Imployed [EMPLOYED] in fitting the cutting[?] pennants. Saw one sail steering E with all sail set. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..12 N Long [LONGITUDE] 45..03 W

Last edit 3 months ago by jrg
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Journal from Sag Harbor Towards Western Islands

Thursday June 16th 1864

Begins with moderate winds and good weather from SW. Ship under all sail steering ESE. Mid part wind W. Latter part wind hauled to NE. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading ESE. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..23 N Long [LONGITUDE] 42..48 W

Friday June 17th

Begins with light winds from NE. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading ESE. Mid part wind hauled to E. Steering by the wind heading SSE. Latter part wind SSE steering E. Spoke the whaling barque Joshua Bragdon of New Bedford Capt [CAPTAIN] Childs thirty[-]six months from home with one thousand bbls [BARRELS] oil 600 Sperm 400 whale. Lat [LATITUDE] 38..45 N Long [LONGITUDE] 40..26 W

Saturday June 18th

Begins with light winds and good weather from SSE. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading E. Mid part wind hauled to SW steering ESE. Latter part saw a number of finback[S]. Imployed [EMPLOYED] in strapping cutting blocks. Lat [LATITUDE] 38..58 N Long [LONGITUDE] 39..25 W

Sunday June 19th

Begins with moderate winds and good weather from SW. Ship under all sail steering ESE. Mid part strong breeze carried away the fore topmast studding sail boom. Latter part wind light. Saw a brig under all sail steering NE. Saw two whaling barques steering NE. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..05 N Long [LONGITUDE] 37..12 W

Last edit 3 months ago by jrg
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Journal from Sag Harbor Towards Western Islands

Monday June 20th 1864

Begins with light winds and good weather from SW. Ship under all sail steering ESE. Mid part light winds. Latter part much the same. Saw one sail steering NNE. Imployed [EMPLOYED] in setting up rigging. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..13 N Long [LONGITUDE] W

Tuesday June 21st

Begins with light winds from S. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading ESE. Mid part saw blackfish. Lowered two boats. Gave chase without success. Wind light from SSE. Ship by the wind heading E. Lat [LATITUDE] 40..04 N Long [LONGITUDE] 34..54 W

Wednesday June 22nd

Begins with light winds and good weather from S. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading ESE. Mid and latter part[S] light baffling winds from SE. Ship under all sail on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack. Sent the main royal yard and sail aloft. Saw six sails steering by the wind to ENE.

Thursday June 23rd

Begins with light winds from SE. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading SW by S. Took in the waist boat and stove her up and had another old one on the cranes. Latter part wind ESE. Ship on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack steering by the wind heading S by by W. Saw one sail steering N. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..14 N Long [LONGITUDE] 34.22 W

Last edit 3 months ago by jrg
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Journal from Sag Harbor Towards Western Islands

Friday June 24th 1864

Begins with moderate winds from ESE. Ship under all sail steering by the wind heading S by W. Mid part much the same. Ship on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack heading SSW. Imployed [EMPLOYED] in breaking out for water in the main hatch. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..14 N Long [LONGITUDE] 33..59 W

Saturday June 25th

Begins with baffling winds and squally from SE. Took in flying jib and fore top gallant sail steering by the wind. Ship on the stabbord [STARBOARD] tack heading SW by W. Saw several finbacks. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..43 N Long [LONGITUDE] 33..31 W

Sunday June 26th

Begins with moderate winds and squaly [SQUALLY] from SE. Ship on the labbort [LARBOARD] tack steering by the wind heading SW by S. Sent down the fore top G.T [GALLANT] sail and bent another. Saw a barque steering NW. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..06 N Long [LONGITUDE] 33..45 W

Monday June 27th

Begins with moderate winds and good weather from SE. Ship on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack steering by the wind heading ENE. Saw a turkle [TURTLE]. Lowered the labbord [LARBOARD] boat but did not get it. Latter part light airs. Ship on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack heading SSW. Saw two sails. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..34 N Long [LONGITUDE] 33..19 W

Tuesday June 28th

Begins with light winds and good weather from E by N. Ship under all sail on the labbord [LARBOARD] tack heading SE by S. Imployed [EMPLOYED] in painting the foremast and bowsprit. One sail in sight bearing E under all sail. Latter part tacked ship heading N by E. Lat [LATITUDE] 39..26 N Long [LONGITUDE] 32..48[?] W

Last edit 3 months ago by jrg
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