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Remarks on board Bark Concordia B N Rogers Master

Friday Dec [DECEMBER] 16th 1864

Begins with a moderate breeze from NW. Mid and latter part[S] calm. Thermometer standing at 34 below.

Saturday Dec [DECEMBER] 17th

Begins with light airs from NW. In the evening all hands went on board the Antelope to a dance. Latter part great was the excitement this morning among our little fleet in the harbor when a tribe of indians was espied afar off comeing [COMING] over the distant hills from their summer hunting grounds to take up their abode[S] for a brief season on the ice. Around our ships many was the man[,] who for days befor [BEFORE] hardly dare go from ship to ship for fear of freezing[,] at the sight of the natives drawed [DREW] on our extra pair of stockings and buttioned [BUTTONED] up their coats snugly around them started off at full gallop to meet them. They arrived at the ship about 12 o[']clock. I do not exactly recollect their number but I think there was about 15. 6 of them with one sled was amediately [IMMEDIATELY] transfrued [TRANSFERRED] to our ship. The part consisted of two women 3 men and one infant. After dining with us they held a brief conversation with the Captain regarding their trade and what they wanted in exchange for their deer skins. Then they fell to work to build their winter residences. In about an hour and a half they had finished their igloo. A house suficiently [SUFFICIENTLY] large to accomodate all of its inmates and so ends. Thermometer standing at 36 below.

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