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Remarks on board Bk [BARK[ Concordia B N Rogers Master

Thursday Dec [DECEMBER] 29th 1864

Begins with a light breeze from N. Mid and latter part[S] wind and weather the same. Thermometer standing at 35 below.

Friday Dec [DECEMBER] 30th

Begins with light airs from N and some indications of storm. Latter part weather more moderate. Thermometer standing at 20 below.

Saturday Dec [DECEMBER] 31st

Begins with light airs from N. In the evening went to the Theatre. Mid and latter part[S] wind and weather much the same. Thermometer standing at 12 below.

Sunday Jan [JANUARY] 1st 1865

Begins with light airs from NW and very pleasant weather. On Friday evening at the Theatre it was announced that a ball was in contemplation on the following evening[;] it being New Year's eve consequencely [CONSEQUENTLY] on Saturday evening. At 7 o[']clock there was quite a goodly number collected in the Theatre room on board the barque Antelope. Music and dancing was the order of the day untill [UNTIL] about 12 o[']clock when the party adjourned and proceeded to their respective ships with the acception [EXCEPTION] of a small party who did not see fit to retire it being previously understood among themselves that they would remain behind untill [UNTIL] all was still and then they would serinade [SERENADE] each Captain seperately [SEPARATELY] on board his own ship. And as a matter of course each Captain had to turn out and treat them and by the time they had visited[,] the five shipsmates[?] were pretty merry. They proceeded to there [THEIR] own ships [UNREADABLE] Sunday morning. Thermometer standing at 28 below.

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