Page 61
Remarks on board Bk [BARK] Concordia B N Rogers Master
Monday Jan [JANUARY] 16th 1865
Begins with strong winds from NNE and fine weather. Latter part wind N. Thermometer standing at 45 below.
Tuesday Jan [JANUARY] 17th
Begins with a moderate breeze from N. Broke out the steerage hatch for a cask of beef and pork. Latter part light airs from NNW. Thermometer standing at 30 below.
Wednesday Jan [JANUARY] 18th
Begins with light winds from NNW. In the evening went on board the Antelope to a dance. Latter part went on shore after ice. Thermometer standing at 18 below.
Thursday Jan [JANUARY] 19th
Begins with light airs from N and pleasant weather. Latter part went on shore after ice. Mr Miller dug the snow from the cabin windows so that we can have more light. Also sawed out the ice hole. Thermometer standing at 24 below.
Friday Jan [JANUARY] 20th
Begins with light airs from N. Latter part cloudy weather. Thermometer standing at 20 below.
Saturday Jan [JANUARY] 21st
Begins with light airs from N. In the evening all hands went on board the Antelope to the Theatre. Latter part Capt [CAPTAIN] Jeffery Capt [CAPTAIN] White and Capt [CAPTAIN] Chapell and one native started for Marble Island with a dog team on a visit to several vessails [VESSELS] which are wintering there. Distant about 77 miles. Thermometer standing at 26 below.
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