Page 65
Remarks on board Bk [BARK] Concordia B N Rogers Master
Wednesday Feb [FEBRUARY] 8th 1865
Begins with fine weather and light airs from N. Latter part light airs from NW. Thermometer standing at 30 below.
Thursday Feb [FEBRUARY] 9th 1565 [1865}
Begins with light winds from N and very fine weather. Mid part of these twenty[-]four hours all hands was on board of the Antelope to the Theatre. The Tradigy [TRAGEDY] Damon and Pityas [PYTHIAS] was the first play which was played admirably well after which we had a speach [SPEECH] from Mr Hall the great Arctic explorer whose winter quarters is something like 135 to the North of us but has been spending a month with us (himself and 17 natives). Tomorrow he expects to tak [TAKE] his departure again for his winter quarters with his friends the natives of which he terms a most benevolent and nobel [NOBLE] race. So by request of Mr Hall Damon and Pytias [PYTHIAS] was played the second time. It having been played once before and that once was on the evening of his arrival at our little fleet and the second and last time was the night before he took his leave of our little fleet. He kindly thanked us all for the respects we had paid him during his stay with us. He also kindly thanked and highly complimented all in any way connected with the Theatre and particularly the manager Mr Hyram Chafa and said although he had seen the same play performed in his own native city in the far West (by those that were called star actors) yet never had he seen the same play performed better than on that occation [OCCASION]. Then after giving as [US] some information about the supposed surfivers [SURVIVORS] of the expedition of the Sir John Franklyn [FRANKLIN] of which he is in search he retired to the area of the stage and Mr Montgomary [MONTGOMERY?]
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