Page 6
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A Voyage from Sagh
On board Thursday Augus 31stAD 1820
[illegible] with fine pleasant breess
[illeible] with flying clouds steard SEbyE
[illegible] ant fine fresh breeseses from WSW & pleasant
part [illegivle] light breeses from SW&
[illegible] nothing Employed in boiling [illegible]
[illegible] Dist | DLatt | Dep | Lattin | Dlong | Long in |
]illegible] 112 | 21 | 100 | 33.43 | 119 | 35.06 West |
these 24 hours begin with fine pleasant
breeses from WSW Latter ands employed
in [illegible] & fiting craft so ends these 24 hrs
Course | Dist | Dep latt | Dep | Lattin | Dlong | Long in |
-66E | 71 | 23 | 65 | 33.14 | 78 | 33.48west |
Torn .down 22 blls of oil between 2 decks ]illegible]
light breeses from ENE steared SE & SSE
Torn , part torn breeses & pleasant stord
36 blls of sperm Oil between decks saw
Torn Employed in ships duties so ends
Torn | Dlatt | Dep | Lattin | Dlong | Longin |
Torn | 111 | torn | 32.33 | 40 | 33. torn |
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