Page 8




Status: Complete

A Voyage from Sag Harbor
Remarks on boardWednesday Sept 6 AD 1822
First part fine fresh breeses from east steared
[illegible] by South saw nothingMiddle part
[illegible] trades from E by South latter part fresh
Torn & p;easant saw nothing Emplyed in
ships duties so ends these 24 hours

Course Dist DLatt Dept Latt in DLong Long in
12 E 133 111 22 25.42 25 3153 West
Remarks on board ThursdaySept/ 7th 1822
First part fresh trades from East spoken brig
from outward bound to new york [illegible]
was 31 west Middle part fresh trades from
East Latter part fresh trades took in top
gallantsail & 1 reff the main topsail so goes
these 24 hour Employed in knoting yards

Course Dist DLatt Dept Latt in Dlong Long in
22E 111 93 37 24.19 40 31.13
Remarks on board Friday Sept 8thAD 1820
Firdt part fresh trades from East with flying
{torn} Middle part fresh trades & pleasant saw nothing
Employed in knoting [illegible] so ends 24 hours

[torn] Dlatt Dept Latt in Dlong Long in
[torn] 87 80 22.42 43 29.30W

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