Page 8
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A Voyage from Sag Harbor
Remarks on boardWednesday Sept 6 AD 1822
First part fine fresh breeses from east steared
[illegible] by South saw nothingMiddle part
[illegible] trades from E by South latter part fresh
Torn & p;easant saw nothing Emplyed in
ships duties so ends these 24 hours
Course | Dist | DLatt | Dept | Latt in | DLong | Long in |
12 E | 133 | 111 | 22 | 25.42 | 25 | 3153 West |
First part fresh trades from East spoken brig
from outward bound to new york [illegible]
was 31 west Middle part fresh trades from
East Latter part fresh trades took in top
gallantsail & 1 reff the main topsail so goes
these 24 hour Employed in knoting yards
Course | Dist | DLatt | Dept | Latt in | Dlong | Long in |
22E | 111 | 93 | 37 | 24.19 | 40 | 31.13 |
Firdt part fresh trades from East with flying
{torn} Middle part fresh trades & pleasant saw nothing
Employed in knoting [illegible] so ends 24 hours
[torn] | Dlatt | Dept | Latt in | Dlong | Long in |
[torn] | 87 | 80 | 22.42 | 43 | 29.30W |
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