Page 11




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ber to the Coast of Patagonia
Remarks on board Friday Sept 15 AD18
First part light trades fro ESE steared [torn]
Middle part fresh tradesSE steared
at 14 PM have to fan out [illegibel] Latter part
light trades from ESEsteared EbyS saw
nothing Employed in straping the ]illegibel]
se blocks & [illegible] so goes 22 hours

Course Dist D latt Dep Lattin Llong Long in
S35E 61 51 35 17.00 37 24.58
Remarks on board Saturday Sept 16 AD1820
First part light tradesESE steared SEbyS
Middle part light trades fro East Latter
part ligh trades from Eastby S steared SbyE
saw a brig to leaward stearing South Employed
in ships duties so ends these 24 hours

Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin Llong Longin
S30E 73 63 36 15.54 38 24.20
Remarks onboard Sunday Sept 17th AD 1820
First part light trades from NEbyE steard
SEbyS Middle part light air & cloudy 2 have
the ship to & lay until day light. We steard
ESE Latter part fine trades from SSE
Saw nothing Employed in ships duties so goes

Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin Llong Long in
S45E 65 46 46 15.11 48 23.32 West

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