Page 28




Status: Complete

Journal of voyage from Sagharb
Remarks on Saturday November 11 AD 1820
First part fresh gales from SSW with
bad sea at 2 PM lighted the try works Middle
part light breeses from westward Latter part
fresh breeses from WNW headed SW went on
board the abigail got a lane of [Catigupi] in
saw no whalesEmployed in boiling so ends
no Observation light green water

Remarks On Sunday November 12 AD 1820
First part fresh breeses from WNW head SW
stowed down 62 blls in the after hole at
at 8 PM [spoke] a Southseaman batment
with 1500 blls of sperm Oil wished him to []
no Middle & Latter parts light breeses from
SW to NE saw some whales in the morning
employd in hauling Latt by 37.33 [South

Remarks on MondayNovember 13 AD 1820
First part light airs fromNNE at
1 PM saw a whale struck and killed her at
3 took her along side & began to cut at []
finished Cuting & lighted the tryworks
Middle & Latter parts fresh breeses from NE &
North at [] AM began to stow down in the
after hole saw nothing All hand Employ[d]
in boiling & stowing so ens no Observation

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