Page 47
Cruseing On the false bank
Remarks On Tuesday January 18th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from the SSW
& squall the brig in sight Middle part fresh gales
& squally from WSW Latter part fresh gales from
SSW at eight AM finished tryig & set the oil
down the main hach saw nothing Latt 40.54
Reamrks On Wednesday January 17thAD 1621
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from
SW & squally Middle part more moderate Latter
part high wind from South with a bad sea
saw nothing green water at 8 AM began to
stow down in the main hole so ends Latt 40.25
Remarks on Thursday January 18th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with light breeses from
South & calm at 5PM finished trying
down 92 blls in the lower hole Middle part
light airs from Westward a 2 AM saw ship to
the southward Latter part light breeses & pleasant
from SW saw no whales Employed in ships
duties & cleaning bone so ends latt 40.35
Remarks on Friday January 19th AD 1821
Thesed 24 hours begins with fine fresh breeses from
NW steared SW saw one dead whales an []
One Middle part light winds Latt part
fine fresh breeses from NNE steared SW by W
at 10 saw whlaes chased Employed in ships
Duties so ends these 24 hours Latt 41.20
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