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Bound to the Main Banks
Remarks on board Sunday Jauary 28th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with light winds from
WSW & west at noon set the topsails Middle
part llight breeses from West by W at 8 PM saw
ship & headed SW by S Middle part fresh gales
rom West at 2 AM move ship to the northward
Latter part light breeses from South & calm
saw nothing Employed in ships duties green
water so ends these 24 hours Latt in 41.09

Remarks on board Monday January 29th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with light breeses from
North steard N by S sawsome fowls Middle part
fresh gales fro North& reffed the topsails at
10 PM sounded no bottom Latter part fresh
gales from North steard West at 7 took in the
topsails Employed in ships duties so ends no obbs

Remarks on Sunday January 30th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from
NW & west at 2 PM move ship & headed N
NW & at 4 took in the fore Sail & sent down
topgallant yard Middle & latter part strong
gales from West headedNNW saw nothing
Employed in ships duties and those 22 hours
had blue water no oberservation

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