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5 revisions | Barbara Schwartz at Jun 09, 2023 02:38 PM Page 17arbor to the Coast of Patagonia
Remarks on board Monday October 9th AD 1820
First part fine pleasant trades from SE
Middle part fresh trades from SE steard SSE
all sail set at 1 AM took fore & misan top
gallant sails Latter part fine trades & pleasant
saw nothing dark green water Employed in ship duties
Course| dist | Dlatt | Dep | Lattin| LLong | Long in
S26W | 135 | 121 | 59 | 5.03 | 59 | 26.18
Remarks on board Tuesday October 10thAD 1820
First part trades & pleasant from SE
Middle part light trades from ESE steard ESE
Latter part fine trades & pleasant from ESE
saw nothing all hands employed in mending
the fore sail and laceing the main rigging
Course | Dist | DLatt | Dep| Lattin | LLong| Long In
S19W | 130 | 123 | 42 | 7.16 | 42 | 28.52 West
Remarks on board Wednesday October 11th AD 1820
First part fresh trades from ESE & pleasant
Middle part fresh trades from ESE Latter part
fine trades & pleasant saw a gassnet? Employed
in ships duties so ens these 24 hours
Course | Dist | DLatt | Dep | Lattin | LLong | Long in
S18W | 143 | 142 | 46 | 9.28 | 46 | 27.38
arbor to the Coast of Patagonia
First part trades & pleasant from SE Middle part light trades from ESE steard ESE Latter part fine trades & pleasant from ESE saw nothing all hands employed in mending the fore sail and laceing the main rigging
First part fresh trades from ESE & pleasant Middle part fresh trades from ESE Latter part fine trades & pleasant saw a gassnet? Employed in ships duties so ens these 24 hours
Page 17arbor to the Coast of Patagonia
Remarks on board Monday October 9th AD 1820
First part fine pleasant trades from SE
Middle part fresh trades from SE steard SSE
all sail set at 1 AM took fore & misan top
gallant sails Latter part fine trades & pleasant
saw nothing dark green water Employed in ship duties
Course| dist | Dlatt | Dep | Lattin| LLong | Long in
S26W | 135 | 121 | 59 | 5.03 | 59 | 26.18
Remarks on board Tuesday October 10thAD 1820
First part trades & pleasant from SE
Middle part light trades from ESE steard ESE
Latter part fine trades & pleasant from ESE
saw nothing all hands employed in mending
the fore sail and laceing the main rigging
Course | Dist | DLatt | Dep| Lattin | LLong| Long In
S19W | 130 | 123 | 42 | 7.16 | 42 | 28.52 West
Remarks on board Wednesday October 11th AD 1820
First part fresh trades from ESE & pleasant
Middle part fresh trades from ESE Latter part
fine trades & pleasant saw a gassnet? Employed
in ships duties so ens these 24 hours
Course | Dist | DLatt | Dep | Lattin | LLong | Long in
S18W | 143 | 142 | 46 | 9.28 | 46 | 27.38
arbor to the Coast of Patagonia
First part trades & pleasant from SE Middle part light trades from ESE steard ESE Latter part fine trades & pleasant from ESE saw nothing all hands employed in mending the fore sail and laceing the main rigging
First part fresh trades from ESE & pleasant Middle part fresh trades from ESE Latter part fine trades & pleasant saw a gassnet? Employed in ships duties so ens these 24 hours