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2 revisions
Barbara Schwartz at Jun 29, 2023 06:36 AM

Page 48

Cruising On the false bank Remarks On Saturday January 20 th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from NNE saw whales chasd struck iron drawd at 8 PM took in sailMiddle part fresh gales from South Latter part fresh gales from North with [] saw nothing bllue water no Obbs so ends Remarks On Sunday Jamuary 21 th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from North with main at 8 PM [] moderate headed Wby North Middle part light winds Latter part light breeses & from SW & foggy at 8AM set the fore sail saw nothing Employed in ships duties so ends [] blue water no Observation Remarks On January Monday 22th 1821 These 24 hours begins with light airs from SW & foggy saw one whales at 7 PM took in the foresail & move ship Middle part light airs Latter part fresh breeses from North West at 7 AM the fog lightened saw whales chased at 10 [] ship & headed WSW & smokey blue water Empl oyed in shipsduties so ends these 24 hours Latt 42.19

Cruising On the false bank
Remarks On Saturday January 20 th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from
NNE saw whales chasd struck iron drawd at
8 PM took in sailMiddle part fresh gales
from South Latter part fresh gales from North
with [] saw nothing bllue water no Obbs so ends

Remarks On Sunday Jamuary 21 th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from North with
main at 8 PM [] moderate headed Wby North
Middle part light winds Latter part light breeses &
from SW & foggy at 8AM set the fore sail
saw nothing Employed in ships duties so ends
[] blue water no Observation

Remarks On January Monday 22th 1821
These 24 hours begins with light airs from SW
& foggy saw one whales at 7 PM took in the
foresail & move ship Middle part light airs Latter
part fresh breeses from North West at 7 AM
the fog lightened saw whales chased at 10 []
ship & headed WSW & smokey blue water Empl
oyed in shipsduties so ends these 24 hours Latt 42.19

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