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3 revisions | Barbara Schwartz at Jul 16, 2023 02:48 PM Page 49Crusing On the false bank
Remarks On Wesdensday January 24th 1821
These 24 hours begins with llight breeses from
ESE saw whales chased Middle part high winds
Latter part fresh gales from S West steard NW
saw nothing Employed in shps duties so ends
these 24 hours green water saw white porpra
ises Latt in by Observation 42.27 south
Remarks On Thursday January 25th 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales fron
N Wet at 4 PM had a shift of wind from WSW
move ship tothe north and took in the topsail
Middle part fresh wind fro West Latter part
light breeses fro West at 11 AM had the wind
from NW tacked ship & headed WSW & West
saw aplenty of porposes & whale [] had
green water Employed in ships dutiesLatt 41.50
Remarks on Boartd Friday Jauary 26th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from NNW
Crusing On the false bank Remarks On Thursday January 25th 1821 Remarks on Boartd Friday Jauary 26th AD 1821 Page 49Crusing On the false bank
Remarks On Wesdensday January 24th 1821
These 24 hours begins with llight breeses from
ESE saw whales chased Middle part high winds
Latter part fresh gales from S West steard NW
saw nothing Employed in shps duties so ends
these 24 hours green water saw white popro
ines Latt in by Observation 42.27 south
Remrks On Thursday January 25th 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales fron
N Wet at 4 PM had a shift of wind from WSW
move ship tothe north and took in the topsail
Middle part fresh wind fro West Latter part
light breeses fro West at 11 AM had the wind
from NW tacked ship & headed WSW & West
saw aplenty of porposes & whale [] had
green water Employed in ships dutiesLatt 41.50
Remarks on Boartd Friday Jauary 26th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from NNW
Crusing On the false bank Remrks On Thursday January 25th 1821 Remarks on Boartd Friday Jauary 26th AD 1821 |