Whaling log of the Ship Argonaut, 1820-1822



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ber to the Coast of Patagonia Remarks on board Friday Sept 15 AD18 First part light trades fro ESE steared [torn] Middle part fresh tradesSE steared at 14 PM have to fan out [illegibel] Latter part light trades from ESEsteared EbyS saw nothing Employed in straping the ]illegibel] se blocks & [illegible] so goes 22 hours

Course Dist D latt Dep Lattin Llong Long in
S35E 61 51 35 17.00 37 24.58
Remarks on board Saturday Sept 16 AD1820 First part light tradesESE steared SEbyS Middle part light trades fro East Latter part ligh trades from Eastby S steared SbyE saw a brig to leaward stearing South Employed in ships duties so ends these 24 hours
Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin Llong Longin
S30E 73 63 36 15.54 38 24.20
Remarks onboard Sunday Sept 17th AD 1820 First part light trades from NEbyE steard SEbyS Middle part light air & cloudy 2 have the ship to & lay until day light. We steard ESE Latter part fine trades from SSE Saw nothing Employed in ships duties so goes
Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin Llong Long in
S45E 65 46 46 15.11 48 23.32 West
Last edit over 1 year ago by Barbara Schwartz
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Journal of a voyage from Saghar Remarks on board Monday September 18th AD 1820 Begins first part light trades from NNE and pleasant Second ESEMiddle part light breeses from [illegible] Latter part calm saw a sail on [illegible] quarter All hands enployed in setting up reggon & handling a foresail so ends these 24 hours

Course Dist D latt Dept Lattin Llong Long in
S45E 38 27 44 14.44 28 23.04
Remarks on board Sept Tuesday 19th AD 1820 First part light air [illegible][illegible] saw 23 rare bracoders. Middle part light breceses from SbyE Latter part light breesesSSE 7 pleasant at SW made kow readings EbyN steared East employed in ship duties so ends these 24 hours [illegible]
Course Dist D latt Dept Lattin Llong Long in
N 87E 31 2 31 14.46 31 22.33
Remarks on board Wednesday Sept 20th AD 1820 First part light breeses from SSE steared east The land ahead Middle part light airs from SE Latter part fresh wind with a hard squall at 12am {illegible] 10 seaguls from witch I take any departure {illegible}Latt14. 50| Long 24.43 these 24 hours fine on board [illegible]
Last edit over 1 year ago by Barbara Schwartz
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To The Coast of Patagoina Remarks On board Wednesday Sept 27 AD First part light airs from West & hazy sail set Middle part light steady breases from NW Latter part fine light breases & cloudy with rain [illegible] Employes in taking

Course Dist D latt Dep Latt in LLong Long in
S11E 107 105 20 6.30 20 21.25 West
Remarks on board Thursday Sept 28th AD 1820 First part fine light breases from NNW with [illegible] rain steard south Middle part strong winds from WSW & steard [illegible] Latter part fresh gales from SE squally at 1 PM 2& reffed the topsails at 5 put one riif & got in top gallant said 2 am sailing Employed
Course Dist D latt Dep Latt in LLong Long in
S35E 73 60 42 5.30 42 20.43
Remarks on board Friday Sept 29th AD 1820 First part fresh winds from SSW steard SE Middle part fresh gales & squally Latter part fresh breases fro SSW steared SE saw nothing Employed in ships duties so ends
Course Dist Dlatt Dep Latt in LLong Long in
[torn] 70 6 70 5.24 70 19.33
Last edit over 1 year ago by Barbara Schwartz
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On part of a voyage from Sag Harbor Remarks on board Saturday Sept 30thAD 1820 First part fine breases fro SSW steard SE Middle part & Latter part light breaese from SSW saw a ship to windward stearing SE Employed in ships duties so ends 24 hours

Course Dist Dlatt Dep Lattin LLong Long in
S5SE 79 442 68 4.42 43 18.50West
Remarks on board Sunday October 1st AD 1820 First part light breeses from SW by South at 1 PM saw sprem whales struck 2 [illegible] on board at 6 saw a sail on our [illegible] Middle part light breases fromSW Latter part light winds from SWby S saw [illegible] fish cased them Employed in ships duties so ends
Course Dist Dlatt Dep Lattin LLong Long in
S33E 38 32 24 4.40 21 18.29West
Remarks on board Monday October 2nd AD 1820 First part light breases from SW & squally saw 2 finbacks chased them for [illegible} Middle part light wind from SWby West & SW Latter part light winds & squally from SSW breases with rain Employed in ship so goes 24
Course Dist Dlatt Dep Lttin LLong Long In
SSE 51 39 34 3.31 34 17.58
Last edit over 1 year ago by Barbara Schwartz
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arbor to the Coast of Patagonia Remarks on board T October 3 AD 1820 First part fresh breases from SbyW [torn] SEbyE Middle pat fresh gales from SbyW Latter part fresh gales at 6 AM tacked by & headed WbySouth saw nothing Employed in ships duties so end these 24 hours

Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin LLong Long
S63E 39 218 35 3.13 65 17.23
Remarks on board Wednesday October 4th AD 1820 First part fresh trades from South steard West ard on the wind Middle part fresh trades took in the Jib Latter part fresh trades from South steared WSW saw nothing Employed in [illegible] and other duties so goesd
Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin LLong Long
S73W 104 30 9.9 2.43 100 19.13
Remarks on board Thursday October 5 AD 1820 First part freshgales from SbyE steard SEbyW Middle part fresh trades Latter part light trades from Sout hstead WSW saw no thing Employed in ship duties so endsd
Course Dist DLatt Dep Lattin LLong Long
S57W 104 58 90 1.45 91 21.33 West
Last edit over 1 year ago by Barbara Schwartz
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 211 in total