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Cruising on the false bank Remarks on Saturday December 23th 1820 These 24 hours begins with fresh breeses from SSW steard ESE saw one finsback caught a porpoise Middle part light winds Latter part ligh breeses from WSW at 6 AM tacked ship & steard NW saw nothing Emp ployed in mending the boat Latt in 37.32
Remarks on Sunday December 24th AD 1820 These 24 hours begin with light breeses from West at 4PM tacked ship & steard SSW & SW Middle part light rain Latter part light winds & pleasant from WSW saw nothing Employed in ships duties so ends these 24 hours Latt by Obs 37.54 green water
Remarks on Monday December 25th 1820 These 24 hours begin with light breeses from NW & pleasant steared WSW Middle part light winds Latter part light breeses from NW steard WSW saw nothing Emp;loyed in breaking out between decks & coopering the head had green water Latt 38.25
Remarks on board Tuesday December 26th 1820 These 24 hurs begins with light breeses from WNW steard west killed a hog [] & Latter parts light breese SE by S steard E [] saw some [] [ ] Whales Employed in ships duties No obs.
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Cruising on the false bank Remarks on Wednesday, December 27 AD These 24 hours begins with fine fresh breeses from SE & cloudy saw a plenty of fowls but no whale had dark green water steard ESE at 10 PM saw ship headed SSW Middle & Latter part light wins fro SE saw some whales Employed in painting boats & other duties Latt []
Remarks on board Thursday December 28 1820 These 24 hours begins with light airs & []from SE at 7 took the wind fro West Middle part light wind from WSW steard ESE Latter part fresh wind from WNW steard SE saw nothing Employed in ships duties so ends Latt 38.49
Remarks on board Friday December 29th AD 1820 These 24 hours begins with fresh winds from SSW steard to the southward at 2 took in sail had some rain at 5 set the topsails Middle part fresh wind Latter part fresh gales with [] squallls took topsails & foresail saw a few fowls Employed in ships duties so ends Latt 39.18 South
Remarks on Saturday December 30th AD 1820 These 24 hours begins with fresh gales fro WSW with hard squalls fro SW saw a plenty of fowls but no whales Employed in ships duties so end Latt by Obs 39.18 South
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For Right whes and sperm Remarks on Sunday December 31AD 1820 These 24 hour begins with light winds from SSW with a sea & cloudy steard West [] part light winds Latter part fine breeeess from NW steard WSW saw no whales Latt 39.08
Remarks on Monday January 1th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from NW & hasy saw a Carcase & some finnbacks at & hove to Middle part fresh gales from NW Latter part fresh winds from NW& West at 11 AM [] shp & headed NW saw nothing Blued water Employed in ships duties Latt 40.01
Remarks on Tuesday January 2th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh gales & clouds from SW steard WNW[ ] the false bank the West side Middle part light breeses Latter part light winds steard WSW saw no thing Employed in ships duties Latt 39.58
Remarks On board Wednesday January 3th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with light winds from NE steard WSW on a brig ahead saw whales struck & killed 2 [] & took then along [] spoke the [] boats 900 blls Latter part light wind WSW at 5 begins to cut it is finished boiling the second in with the Piannak(?) send Latt 40.03
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Crusing On the False banks Remarks On Thursday January 4th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins fine light breeses from WSW saw whales struck & killed one at 8 her along side & began to cut & finished cuting lighted the tryworks Latter part light breeses from SW headed N towardes Mu frennaso saw no whales Employed in boiling Latt 39.35
Remarks for Friday January 5th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fine light breeses from SW Middle part light breeses from SW Latter part light wins from SW a 10 began to stow down in the After hole saw no whales in company with the [] Employed in boiling green water Latt39.44
Remarks on Saturday January 6th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with light breeses from SW & pleasant Middle part [] & [] part light breeses from ENE & E at & SW set the topsails & steared SSE saw some killers green water Employed in boiling Latt 39.51
Remarks on board Sunday January 7th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh breeses from East steard SSE saw finback Middle & Latter part light winds steared WSW at & began to stow down in the main hole saw nothing in company with Capt. Caits so ends Latt 40.33
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Cruising On the false bank Remarks On Monday January 8th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with light wind & varablles steard WSW at 2 PM finsihed stowing down 80 bbls in the main hole Midd part fresh wind from NNW &Latter part strong gales from NNW & cloudy steard WSW at 10 lost sight of the brig & took in sails & hove to so end Latt 41..16
Remarks On Tuesday January 9ty AD 1821 These 24 Commences with fresh gales from NW At 4PM [] moderate set the foresail Middle part high wind from SE at 3 move ship to the westward. Latter part fresh gales SSW steard West saw no whales Employed in ships duties so ends these 24 hours no Obs.
RemarksOn Wednesday January 10th AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from SW with big squalls saw a pleanty of whale inds & white porposes Middle part fresh gales from SW Latter part fresh winds from SW at 7 PM set the foresail out & set the topsails Employ ed in ships duties so end blue water Latt 40.47
Remarks on Thursday January 11 AD 1821 These 24 hours begins with fresh winds from SW & WSW steard WNW & NW at 9 PM tacked ship to the soutward Middle part light winds Latter light wind from NW saw whales struck one [] struck another & killed her at 11 took her a long side & bega to cut no Abs