A Whailing Voyage in the Atlantic & Pacific Ocean SHH. Master
Remarks on Board Friday September. 1th 1837 Begins with Strong Breezes from the SW. Steering E by S thick & rainy middle Part had a Squall with thunder and lightning Latter Part the Wind Shifts to the N.N.W. and Clears of Pleasant Employed in fiting the Deck Pot and Cooler to ther Places and Dooing for the Voyage at 11 AM Spoke Ship Palestine of Bath Saw two other Small Sails Stering to the nothard Nothing more Worth of remark. Latitud Obs 39" 00 North Longitude by Chronometer 47" 33 West.
Remarks on Board September 2th Saturday Begins with fresh gales from N.N.W. Steering E 1/2 South Thick and rainy Middle Part the Wind Shifts SE tacked Ship to the NE. Latter Part Shifts to the SSW and Clears Steerd E. Saw one Sail to the South of us employed in Braking out the fore hatch and Stowing to ordor. Latitude obs 39" 45 North Longitude by Ch 44" 48 West.
Remarks on Board Sunday, September 3th 1837. The first part of these 24 hours light Winds from the S & SE Standing to the Northard and Eastward by the Wind fiting things to ordor Middle Pleasant Latter Part much the Same Pleasant at 8AM Saw a Shoal of Black fish Did not lore our Boats Saw no Whale Nothing more Worth of remark. Latitude obs 40" 05 North Longitude 43" 11 West.
Ship Daniel Webster of Sag Harbour Bound
" 1837 Remarks on Board Monday September 4th. Begins with a Strong Wind from the SSE Steering By the Wind to the East ward Middle Part thick & hazy Wind increases took in light Sail Latter Part a fresh gale from the South Double Reeft heading ESE by the Wind Bad Weathe for Seeing Whail & geting them. Nothign More occurd Worth of remark. Latitude by obs 40" 11 North Longitude 41" 05 West.
Remarks on Board Tuesday September 5th. Commences with fresh gales from South by SSW Steering and ESE employed in making Sails for our Boats Middle parth thick Smoky Latter part the Same Saw nothing hands employed in making mats and thole Pins Nothing more occur worth of remark Latitude by obs Vation 40" 15 North Longitude by Chronometor 39" 02 West.
Remarks on Board Wednesday September. 6th Begins with thick Weathe with strong gales from the SSW Steering SE by E Single Reeft topsail Middle Part more Pleasant Latter part Spoke A Whailing Brig with 800 barels at 11AM Spoke and English Baque Madrass from Bath Bound to Liverpool in want of Bread and oil. Sold him Both Nothing more occur Latitude by obs va 39" 27 North Longitude by Chronometor 35" 38 West.
On A Whailing Voyage In the Atlantic & Pacific SHH Master
Remarks on board Thursday, September 7th 1837. The first Part of these 24 hours strong gales from SW steering SE by E thick hazey at 5 PM had a Sudin Shift of Wind to the North Called all Hands took in light Sail & Double Reeft Middle part more Pleasant Latter Part moderates at 8 AM maid all sail again Saw fin Backs no Sperm Nothing more Latitude obs 38" 59 South. Longitude by Chronometor 31" 58 West.
Remarks on Board Friday September 8th " 1837. The first Part of these 24 hours we have fresh gales from the N.E. Steering E.S.E. At 4 PM made the Island of Florus Baring N.E. by N. Distance about 30 miles at 7 PM tok in light Sails middle Pleasant at 4 AM maid all Sail again At 8 AM raised the [scratched out word] the Peak of Pico and Fay all Baring E by S. Steerd for them Distance 60 miles. Saw nothing more Worth of remark. Latitude obs 28" 25 North Longitude. [drawing of island mountain peaks]
Remarks on Board Saturday September 9th These 24 hours Begins with fine and Pleasant Weather With a light wind from the N.E. Steering E. by. South Pleasant through the night At Sunrise up with the Island of Fayall at 9 AM Cap Harlow left the Shi p for the Shoar Standing off and on the Island at 12 AM a lighter came of from the Shoar with Potatoes Pumkkins & Cabage & Unions at 1 PM the ligh ter on loded Clears for the Shoar 140 Bushel of Potatoes set 6 PM the Boat Came of Brough of two Portogees Ship Left William Harry on the Island sick not able to perform the Voyage
Ship Daniel Webster of Sag Harbor Bound
[outlined text block] Remarks on Board Sunday Septermber 10th. Begins with fine and Pleasant weather with light light Baffling winds from NNW steerd SW. Plea sant through the night Latter Part Steerd S.S.E. at 10 AM the Peak of Pico bore N " E Distance By Estimation 50 miles. At 6 AM William Vander hoven Fell from off the fore top galant Yard Struck His head on the Bow of the Ship left Part of his Brai ns on the Bow & fell over Board Lufft the Ship too quick as Possible Loward away our boat and Pull ed Wher his Hat was the water Bloody But he Had Sank to rise no more. Lay with the Boat a While and then Went on Board & hoisted up and Procedid on our voyage. AE. 28 years or ther ABouts.
Latitude obs 37" 20 North. Longitude by Ch. 28" 39. " Remarks on Board Monday, September 11th Begins with fine and Pleasant Weather with a light Breeze from the N.W. Steering imployed in [marked out text] kniting Nets for Petatoes Middle Part Pleasant Latter Part Wind halls to N.N.W. Steering S by W " W Bent a new fly Jib & Lose Stearing Sail Some employed in taking lare Vegitables. Saw Ship Standing S.E. nothing mo. Latitude obs 35" 23 North. Longitude 28" 04 West.
Remarks on Board Tuesday September. 12th. Begins with fine and Pleasant Weather with a light Breeze from N.N.W. Steering S.S.W. all Sail employed in Seting up the Stays and Loar Shrouds fore & aft Latitude obs 33" 30 North. Longitude by Chronometor 27" 34 West.
Ship Daniel Webster of Sag Harbour
"1837 Remarks on board Sunday, Septemb 2[illegible] Begins with fine and Pleasant Weather with a light Breeze from the N.E. Steering South Saw one one Sail Standing to the S.E. Saw nothing more Latitude obs 17" 03 North Longitude by Chron 26" 48 West.
Remarks on Board Monday, September 25th Begins with Light Winds and Pleasant Weather from the East Steering South middle and Latter Pleasant employed in Puting Whelps on the Wind less Saw grampuses nothing more Worth of Latitude obs 15" 05 North Longitude 26" 38 West.
Remarks on Board Tuesday, September 26th Begins with fine and Pleasant Weather With light breezes from the East Steering all Sail Set mi le part had light Squalls of rain Latter Part Pleasant a gain employed in Sheathing the Deck Saw nothing worthy of remark. Latitude obs 12" 56 North Longitude by Ch 26" 23 West.
Remarks on board Wednesday, Sep. 27th These 24 hours Begins with fresh gales from E steering, Finished Sheathing the Deck middle Part the [struck out text] Latter Part light Baffling. Sent Down the fore top gallant Sai repared it Sent it up again Saw nothing Worth of remark Latitude obs 10" 53 North