From a Journal of the whaling at New Zeland by ship Wm. Thompson East Coast of New Zeland Whaled from Sept 19 to Nov 28 - from Latt 33"57 to 36"10 S - Long - 173"42 to 175"37 W - took 1600 Bbls whale Saw the most Whales in Latt 34"19 Long 174"15 Oct 19th saw the whales in large Gams working to the South East Dec 9 to Febuary 16 - whaled from Latt 44"22 to 45"47 from Long 179"30 to 177"24 East - took 700 Bbls whale Some ships took 900 Bbls after 9th Febuary Some ships whaled off Bankses Peninsula in Febuary March & april land in sight We should have followed the whales South East but was short of water Took 500 Bbls Sperm off Curtiss Islands South East from the Islands - in Latt 33 1/2 to 32 1/2 - Long 166 .. 167 .. 168 in Febuary March & april =/good sperm whaling off Sunda Islands - Took some Sperm off Eooa [?] - Oct & November then worked to the Southard off Sunda Islands - in Decr & January.
Improve whilst thou whilst thou art young Improve whilst thou art young moderate comenced with moderate moderate breezes breezed from all quarters with a little mist comenced moderate moderate moderate comenced moderate moderate comenced moder Improve your morals in haste haste comences
2340 700 1640 31 1640 4920 50840 34 203360 152520 17,28560 1,40885 1,71500
Messrs. N. & P. Howell Sag Harbor Long Island New York USA