Page 16




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Sunday Dec 8
This day had a strong wind from the SE. Steering
SW. The larboard watch employd in ship duty and
the starboard watch employd in spreading the studding
sails out to dry. And so ends this day.

Monday Dec 9
This day had a strong breeze from SE. Steering
SSE. The watches employd in ships duty. Their
were spliceing in thimble. And about 4 o clock in
the after noon saw a breach about a half mile of [OFF].
And so ends.

Tuesday Dec 10
This day had a fair breeze from the SE. Steering
SW by S. And the watches employd in mending sails
and other jobs. Saw nothing worth remarking.
So ends this day.

Wenesday Dec 11
This day had a fair breeze from the SE. Steering
SW by S. Hands employd in breaking out the fore main
and steerage hatches for a barrell of old pork but could
not find it so they gave it up. So ends day.

Thursday Dec 12
This day had a strong breeze from the SE. Steering SW
by S. Watches employd in breaking out the main hatch
and getting the blubber rooms ready and makeing
mats for the boats. So ends this day.

Friday Dec 13
This day had a fair breeze and the ship was before the
wind. The larboard watch employd in unbending the
yib [JIB] and fly yib [JIB] and memding them and bendding
them on again. At night the first watch on deck took
in the fortopmast and foretopgallant and maintopgallant
studding sails. And took in the main Royal. So ends.

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A round or heart-shaped grooved ring of iron inserted into an eye-splice.