Bray, Houston - Pension Records

Bray, Houston PVT Co. C, 82nd USCT-November 20, 1865


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___B.__ ____82_______ _U.S.C.T._
_____Houston Bray_________________

_Priv______, Co. C, 82 Reg't U.S. Col'd Infantry.

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

for ______Nov + Dec_____________, 186_5___.

Present or absent____Absent________________

Stoppage, $_________/100 for _______________


Due Gov't, $_________/100 for _______________


Remarks:___Absent seen at_________________

_____Ft Jefferson Fla.______________________







Book mark:_______________________________


[signed] ____Randolph_______________ (358) Copyist

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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___B.__ ____82_______ _U.S.C.T._
_____Houston Bray_________________

_Pri___, Co. C, 82 Reg't U.S. Col'd Infantry.

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

for _____Jan + Feb______________, 186__6__.

Present or absent__________________________

Stoppage, $_________/100 for _______________


Due Gov't, $_________/100 for _______________


Remarks:___Died in Post Hosp.______________

_Fort Jefferson Fla Dec _____________________

_2/1864* Due J.W. [Robinson?],_______________




_[in red ink]* As appears on roll_____________


Book mark:__143.984 Died Nov 29/65_________ of Chronic Diarrhoea =======================================

[signed] ____Randolph_______________ (358) Copyist

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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___B.__ ____82_______ _U.S.C.T._
_____Huston Bray__________________

_Prvt___, Co. _C_, 82 Reg't U.S. Colored Inf.

Appears on Returns as follows:



_____Nov 1865 Loss________________________

________Nov 29. 65 Regt.____________________

________Hospit Ft._________________________

________Jefferson. Fla.______________________

________Died of disease_____________________



_Mch 1866 on duty__________________

_________Ord. Dept________________




Book mark:-------------------------------------------------- =======================================

[signed] __[RiN Bayle?]______________ (546) Copyist

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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___B.__ ____82_______ _U.S.C.T._
_____Houston Bray_________________

_Priv___, Co. _C_, 82 Reg't U.S. Col'd Inf.

Appears on Co. Muster-Out Roll, dated

_____Barrancas Fla___,__Sept 9, 186_6.

Muster-out to date ______, 186 .

Last paid to ______Feb 28, 186 5 .


Clothing account:

Last Settled_____, 186 ; drawn since $____/100

Due soldier $______/100; due U.S. $______/100

Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $____/100


Due U.S. for arms, equipments, &c., $____/100

Bounty paid $________/100l; due $-----------/100

Remarks:__Priv. from enroll`t_______________

_Died in Post Hostp. Fort___________________

_Jefferson Fla Dec 2/65_____________________

_Transferred from 93rd U.S.C.I.__

_S.O. 167 Ex.7. H[O 2rs?] Dept Gulf___________

_New Orleans June 23/65___________________

Book mark:_Died Nov 9/65_________________ B125 Vol 5 R.C.I. 1867 - of Chronic Diarrhoea =============================================

[signed] ___Randolph_______________ (861) Copyist

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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I certify, on honor, that ___Houston Bray_____________________________ a __Private_______ of Captain __Jes Holleredith_______ Company (_C_) of the ___82nd_ Regiment of ___U.S.C.I.____ VOLUNTEERS, of the State of ________________________, born in ___New Orleans______, State of ___Louisana_______, aged _25__ years; __5__ feet ____inches high; __Black__complexion, __Black_eyes, __Black__ hair, and by occupation a __Farmer___, having joined the company on the original organization at by transfer from the 93 U.S.C.I. and enrolled in it at the muster into the service of the United States at ___New Iberia La______________, on the __30th______ day of ___Oct__________, 186 3, (or was mustered in service as a recruit, by ___Lieut MC__________ _Allister_____________, at _New Iberia___, on the _21st______day of November___________, 186 3, or was drafted and mustered into the service of the United States from the _____________ Enrollment district of the State of ___________________________, at _____________________, on the _________________day of ______________________, 186 ,( to serve in the Regiment, for the term of ________________________________________: and having served HONESTLY and FAITHFULLY with his Company in ____________________________to the present date, is now entitled to a DISCHARGE by reason of _Death. Died at Frt Jefferson______________________ __Fla on the 2nd day of Jun 1866 of Feaver__________________________________

The said ______Houston Bray____________________________ was last paid by Paymaster __Maj Hundbusen________ to include the ___28th ________, day of _February_, 186 5,and has pay due him from that time to the present date; he is entitled to pay and subsistence for TRAVELING to place of enrollment and whatever other allowances are authorized to volunteer soldiers, drafted men, or militia, so discharged. He has received from the United States CLOTHING amounting to __$ 45,00___94/100 dollars, since the __28th__ , day of __February________, 186 5, when his clothing account was last settled. He has received from the United States ______________________ / 100 dollar advanced BOUNTY.

There is to be stopped from him, on account of the State of _________________, or other authorities, for CLOTHING, &c., received on entering service, _________/100 dollars; and for other stoppages, viz: _their is due Him 24 00 back pay difference___________________ _between 9.00 and 13.00 from dec 31st 1863, to April 30th 1864_________ __________________________________________________________________/100 dollars.

He has been furnished with TRANSPORTATION in kind from the place of his discharge to _________________________________; and he has been SUBSISTED for TRAVELING to his place of enrollment, up to the ______________________________, 186 .

He is indebted to _J.W. Robinson Post Sutter Fl_, SUTLER, _Jefferson Fla, 5__20 /100 dollars.

He is indebted to ____________________________, LAUNDRESS, ___________/100 dollars.

Given in Duplicate, at ___Fort Pickens Fla_______________________, this ___14th______ day of ___Jan_____, 188 6.

[signed] __John Varnum____________________ __1st Lieut [Co. 6?]______________________

[A. G. O. No. 95--First. ] Commanding Company.

[left margin, vertically in red ink] {Died Nov. 29 1854} { See enclosure } [end margin]

[Line 16 - the strikeouts are done with same red ink as the margin note]

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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