Bray, Houston - Pension Records

Bray, Houston PVT Co. C, 82nd USCT-November 20, 1865


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[three-part vertical fold. Left part contains rectangular stamp with overwriting] ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE Jany 31" 1856 Duplicate with Inventory sent 2d Auditer.

[center part...] F I N A L S T A T E M E N T of ___Houston Bray Co C_____ __82nd___ Reg't of ___U.S.C.I_______


[in red ink] Died Nov 29" 1865 ================================================================ NOTE 1.---Two of these certificates (or duplicates) are to be given to each Volunteer Soldier or drafted man who may be discharged previously to the discharge of his company, that he may at once receive from the Paymaster the pay, &c., due him, and the captain or other COMMISSIONED officer commanding the company will certify to the act of the delivery of the duplicate certificates; on these certificates the Soldier is "entitled to" his discharge, and should also present his discharge to the Paymaster to have the payment endorsed on it. The discharge is to be given back to the Soldier by the Paymaster; the latter only retaining as his voucher the duplicate certificates.

NOTE 2.---If the Soldier is entitled to pay for the use of his horse, the Company Commander will certify to that fact on the back of both these final statements, and also to the time he has pay due for having been so mounted on his own horse.

NOTE 3---When a Soldier is furnished with final statements, his descriptive list, if he has one, should be taken up by the officer who gives the Soldier these statements, and endorsed with a statement to the effect by the officer. This endorsement should exhibit a full statement of the time for which the Soldier was allowed pay on his final statements, the clothing account, and all other charges against him or in his favor, so as to comprise a complete exhibit of his account. It will then be transmitted to the company commander of the Soldier, who will enter all the data necessary to a full understaneing of the Soldier's account on the muster roll upon which the Soldier's discharge is reported. The descriptive list will then by destroyed. The object of this is, that the remaining portion of the Soldier's account may be settled upon the receipt of these muster rolls, and the Soldier receive any pay or allowances that may be due him at the time of his discharge, and which may not appear on his final statements from the fact that his descriptive list is incomplete. These accounts for back pay, &c., are settled by the 2d Auditor of the Treasury Department.

NOTE 4.---Charges for loss or injury to ordnance, horse equipments, and other miscellaneous charges, should appear under the heading of "Other Stoppages."

NOTE 5.---Bounty paid by State authorities, and not by the United States, will not be entered on this statement.

NOTE 6.---Amounts due the Sutler aned Laundress must be entered on the muster roll on which the discharge, death, desertion, &c., is reported, as well as on the final statement, otherwise the amount cannot be collected from the United States.

NOTE 7.---This blank will be used for deceased volunteers and drated men, as well as for others.

NOTE 8.---Where a Soldier dies in Hospital or on detached service, his descriptive list, if he has one, should be sent with his final statements, in duplicate, to the Second Auditor, Washington, D. C.

============================================================== [signature in black ink, illegible]

[black stamp over the bottom edge] ADJUT[ANT] RECEIVED ... S OFFICE JAN 31 1866

[red handwriting over the signature and black stamp] Eul on OR of Cae[?]

[right vertical fold portion is blank]

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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Washington, _April 10" __ 1807.

_Bvt. Maj. J.J. Woodward__________________________

_____Asst. Sug. U. S. Army.________________________

________Surgeon General`s Office.__________________

____________Washington D.C.,_____________________


_____________________I have the honor_____________

_to request you to furnish this______________________

_office with date of death of Private__________________

_Houston Bray, Co." C", 82" U.S.C.I.,__________________

_who is supposed to have died______________________

_at Fort Jefferson Florida, Decem=__________________

_ber 2nd 1865, on January 2nd 1866.__________________

___________Very Respectfully______________________

__________________Your Obdt Servant,______________

___________________________[Gen?] Taggard________ E.B. US. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Asst. Adjt. Genl. vols.

______________________________________________________ NOTES: Line 1 - [handwritten, double underlined, in red at top left] Line 24 - "Houston Bray" is additionally underlined in bright red

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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======================================== Surgeon General's Office, Record and Pension Division,

____Sept. 7"__________, 1867.

Respectfully returned to _Asst. Adjt.__________

_Gen. T.W. Taggard, A.G.O. [under?] attention___

_invited to preceding endorsements.__________

_It appears from the records of this____________

_office that Priv. Houston Bray,_______________

_Co. C, 82" U.S.C.I., died in Post_______________

_Hospital, Ft. Jefferson, Fla. Nov._____________

_29, 1865, of "Chronic diarrhoea."_____________


____[Large round stamp reading:]____________


______________SEPT 7 1867_________________


_________________________________________ [very large blue letters:] Chge to me


[signed] J J Woodward [large blue letter] W.

Brevet Lt. Col. and Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. [T.J.D.?] (50) ======================================= R. of A., Vol_____8______ No _____2761___

__________________________________________ NOTES: A red line is drawn diagonally across the round stamp Around line 5, to the left of the date in very large blue letters "82-"

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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[begin left 1/3 of vertically divided page] [large handwriting in red ink] B.125, Co C 5. R.C.[b?] 1867. ================================================= Surgeon General`s Office,

Record and Pension Division,

____April 19_____, 1867.

Respectfully referred to the Medical Director, ___3d______ District, for information. These papers to be returned with report.


Brevet Major and Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. [large handwritten checkmark] (43) =================================================

April 10/67 Houston Bray Co C. 82d [cT?].


Fort Jefferson Fla Noted [O.I.?]M.

[oval stamp lefthand corner] R. OF A. No. _2762__ VOL. 8 [round stamp righthand corner] RECEIVED * S.C.O. * APR 10 1867

[end left third of page, begin middle third of page]

E.B. 27 Headquarters___3d Mil. Dist.____________________ Office of ___Med Director________________________ __Atlanta Ga May 14__186 7.

Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj. Jno Bell. asa for the required information. These papers to be returned to this office.

[Oval Blue stamp over the paragraph avobe] JOHN J. MILHAU Surgeon & Bvt. Brig. Gen. U S A Aug 9 1867


Pvt School. Surgeon U. S. A. Med.Div.

[end center third of page, begin righthand third]

Ft Jefferson Fla Aug 2 1867

There are no records for Dec. 1865. at the Post.

He did not die in January 1866.

Respectfully returned John Bell [??], U. S. A.

E. B. 257

Headquarters, ___3d Mil Dist._________________

Office of ___Medical Director.__________________ __Atlanta Ga. Aug 29___186 7

Respectfully referredreturned _to the Surgeon General__________ and atten tion invited to the enclosement of Bvt Maj. Jno Bell U. S. A.

[round stamp reading:] SURG. GENL'S OFFICE. SEP 2 1867

These papers to be returned to this office.

John [J.?] Milhau Bvt Brig. Gen. Surgeon U. S. A. Med.Div.

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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Box 32657

[Crit?] 97064

Mary Bray Wid. of Houston Bray


Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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