WAR OF 1861. N. Orleans . . Acts of July 14, 1862 and July 25, 1866.
BRIEF in the case of __Mary Bray__________________, Widow of ____ _____________________________________________________________ ___Houston Bray Pri. Co, "C", 82 U.S.C.T.__________________________ Resident of _Parish of Orleans,_County, and State of __Louisiana_____
Service._Enrolled Oct. thth 1863, and is reported by the Adjt_________ ________Gen. U.S.A. as follows:_________________________________ ___________________________________Died at Ft Jefferson, Fla_____ ________Dec 2d 1865, Surg Genl. USA reports that the_______________ Death.__soldier died Nov 29, 1865 at Fort Jefferson Fla______________ ________of Chronic Diarrhoea__________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Marriage._Proved by Cert Copy of the Original Certificate of_________ _________marriage Houston Bray & Mary Joseph June 26th____________________________________________________ _________1865, & cohabitation shown for some years prior to date____ _________of marriage._________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Names and dates of birth of children | born | who will be 16 years old __Dec 3d_, 1871. |
Harry | Dec 4th 1855 | |
Catharine | April 4. 1858 | April 3d, 18 74. |
Issue certificate for____8_____ dollars per month, commencing ____Dec 3____, 186 , and two dollars per month additional for each of the above-named children, commencing July 25, 1866.
___E.G. Barnard, Examin____________________________, Examiner. Passed ___July 5th______________, 186 7. for Livingston E.G.B. APPROVED: [G?].E.G. Barnard, Examiner. __________________________________________________________ NOTES: Note the misspelling of Houston Bary's name.
State of Louisiana Parish of Orleans Personally appeared before me a Clerk of the 2d District Court of New Orleans which is a Court of [Re?end] person known to me to be [valulable?] an entitled to Credit, who having been duly sworn as the law directs deposes and says that she is about 32 years of age an She resides at Algiers state Parish aforsaid an and her Post Office is Algiers La, and on her oath doth make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the following act of Congress towit act of July 14 1862 - That she is the widow of Aouston Bray who was a private in Compay C commanded by Capt Varnum in the 82 Reg USCS and died while in service in said Regiment in the war of 1861 - from disease contracted while in line of duty --- died in regimental hospital at Fort Jefferson Florida She further declares that she was married to her husband by a ceremony by them deemed binding some 12 years ago on DeLuis Plantation and that they have lived as man and wife ever since, that she has now living by said husband one Son by name of Harry Bray born in August 1857, and one daughter by name of Catharine Bray born in Novenber 1860 that these children are now supported by her, and have always been under her care and that after her husband enlisted into the service she was again married to him as set forth in the accompanying marriage certificate and that her
[center and possibly added later] 1
name before she was married was Mary Joseph and that she has remain[ed] a widow ever since the death of her husba[nd] and that She further declares that she has not in any manner been engaged in or aided or abetted the rebellion lately in the United States and that she now appoints S.B. Packard of New Orleans La her Attorney with full power of substitution to procure for her from the United States such pension as She is entitled to and to receive such certificate as may be issued for the same --- That she has not abandond the support of her children, nor permitted anyone to be adopted by any one else nor has She again remarried since her husbands death in 1865 She [h???] asks for increase per act of June 6 1866 [??] to make C [Meclsul?] . . . .Mary Bray X her mark
Also personally appeared at same time and place Simon Seamour of Algiers and Bazil Laundry of New Orleans State and Parish aforesaid whom 2 certify to be entitled to Credit who being by me duly sworn deposes and says they were present and saw Mary Bray sign her mark to the aforegoing declaration and they further swear that they know she is the person she represents herself to be and that they have no interest in the prosecution of the claim --- also that they Know that Mary Bray is the widow of the within named Aouston Bray who perform[ed] the military service mentioned in the aforegoing declaration from personal acquaint[ance?] with her for the last 15 years and her
her husband for 14 years before he died that they lived together and were reputed to be husband and wife and she has lived a widow ever since the death of her husband, and that they were personally Knowing to said husbands being in the service as aforesaid and that he was taken sick while in line of duty, and died in the hospital as above set forth to this personal knowledge They deny in Same [segmit?] with him at the time, and that their means of knowledge is derived from long personal acquantace with the partes as set forth --- That said Claimant has not remarried nor abandon the support of her two children one name Harry age 10 years the other Catharine age 7 years --- Nor has either once of them been adopted by any other person
[the haf to muh?] A Merhue C. C. Packard
Basil Landry X his mark Simon Seymour
Sworn to & subscribed to before me at New Orleans this 13th day of February AD 1867 All men present and [Know?] well the contents of the aforegoing before signing and 2 have no interest in said claim P.R.A. [Rirke?] Clerk 2 D[I?] [?] New Orleans LA