Adjutant General`s Office, Washington, D. C., ___May 29_______, 186 7.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. __143. 984.__, and to return it herewith, wich such information as is furnished by the files of this Office. It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that ______Houston Bray_________ was enrolled on the ____10th___ day of __Oct_____, 186 3 , at ___New Iberia, La___ in Co. __"B"_, ________93rd_____ Regiment of __U.S.C.I.__ Volunteers, to serve _____three______ years, or during the war, and mustered into service as a ___private____ on the __21st___ day of ___November___ 186 3 , at ___New Iberia, La______, in Co. ___"B"____, ___93rd______ Regiment of ____U.S.C.I.________ Volunteers, to serve ___three____ years, or during the war. On the Muster & Transfer Roll of Co. _"B"__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to the 81st & 82d U.S.C.I. of that Regiment, ^ for the months of __dated June 23rd____ 186 5 . he is reported __"Transferred to 82d U.S.C.I." Muster___________ __roll of Co "C" 82d U.S.C.I., for Jan & Feb '66 reports him:____________ __"Died at Fort Jefferson Fla. Dec 2nd 1865." Cause not_______________ __stated_______________________________________________________
I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
____________F.W. Taggard____________________ The Commissioner of Pensions, Assistant Adjutant General. Vols. Washington, D. C.
Memoranda. Name of applicant, ___________________ Address, ____________________________
[scribbled at the bottom] 1 + B. V. 3
Adjutant General`s Office, Washington, D. C., ___Nov 5th_____, 186 7.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. __143. 984__, and to return it herewith, wich such information as is furnished by the files of this Office. It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that ______Houston Bray_________ was enrolled on the ____10th___ day of __Oct_____, 186 3 , at ___New Iberia, La___ in Co. __`B`_, ________93rd_____ Regiment of __U.S.C.I.__ Volunteers, to serve _____3__________ years, or during the war, and mustered into service as a ___Pvt________ on the __21st___ day of ___November___ 186 3 , at ___New Iberia, La______, in Co. ___`B`____, ___93rd______ Regiment of ____U.S.C.I.________ Volunteers, to serve ___3________ years, or during the war. On the Muster & Transfer Roll of Co. _`C`__ . . . . .82d. U.S.C.I. to which he was transferred June 23, 1865. of ^ that Regiment,for the months of __Jany and Feby____ 186 5 . he is reported __"Died in Post Hosptl. at Fort Jefferson_______ __Fla. Nov 29th, 1865 of Chronic Diarrhoea."____________ __(This case was delayed in this office for want of necessary________ __data)_____________________________________________________
I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
____________S.H. [Pelonze?] ____________________ The Commissioner of Pensions, Assistant Adjutant General. Washington, D. C.
Memoranda. Name of applicant, ___________________ Address, ____________________________
[a vew illegible characters scribbled at the bottom] 3
Copy of Marriage certificate
Marriage Certificate no 4
State of Louisiana Parish of Orleans 2
I, A.M. Jackson Provost Marshall of the Parish of Orleans do hereby certify that I have this 26 day of June AD One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-five in the Parish of Orleans joined in the Bonds of Matrimony
Houston Bray Mary Joseph
In testimony whereof I the undersigned Provost Marshall for the Parish aforesaid have signed my name Signed A.M. Jackson May 10 U.S.C A + Provost Marshall
State of Louisiana Parish of Orleans I P.R. [ORorke?] Clerk of the 2° district Court of New Orleans in and for the Parish + [state?] aforesaid and which is a court of Record do hereby certify that there has this day been presented me a paper purport ing to the a marriage certificate, which appears genuine, for verification therefore I certify the foregoing to be a full + true copy of the same and that the signature of the same appears to be genuine
[appears written in pencil, probably later] 3 ---
[Form is entirely to the right side of a center fold]
[vertically, on the left side in large pencil] 90 K K
State of Louisiana. Parish of ___New Iberia________
This is to Certify, That I, ___StePhen Tillman________ an ordained Minister of the Gospel by virtue of a License to me directed, did on the ____4th Janry__________ day of __in the state_________________________, unite in Marriage, ____of Allan Dossey__________________ and ___[Lorinson?] Dossery______________ of the Parish and State aforesaid. as [even?] [tastimony?] [in?]
In Testimony Whereof, I have caused the said parties, with myself and three legal witnesses to sign these presents. The __the 11th_ day of __January__ A.D. 187 3 . ___allen Dosseny_____________ ___Levinson Dossery__________
Witness: ___ [?] [?] _____________________ ___[Largson danice?]___________
__[Mr?] Stephen Tillman________ Minister of the Gospel.
******************************************************* NOTES: The spelling of the couple's names is difficult and have been transcribed as closely in each instance as possible, thus the differences. Very bad handwriting. Please correct them if possible.
And, why is this letter in a file for "Houston & Mary Bray?"