Bray, Houston - Pension Records

Bray, Houston PVT Co. C, 82nd USCT-November 20, 1865


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State of Louisiana Parish of Orleans

Personally appeared before me Clerk of a Court of Record Mary Bray, a resident of Algiers whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit and who having been duly sworn deposes and says that she is the widow of Houston Bray deceased that her husband left no children by any former marriage that she has not abandoned the support of any one of their chldren nor permitted anyone of them to be adopted by any other person or persons as his her or their child and that they are the only legitimate children of herself or her deceased husband now living. That the follow are the names dates of birth and present residences of her children Harry Bray born Dec 4 1855 Catherine Bray born April 4 1858 both reside in Algiers La -- That she can not produce any certificate of baptism nor can she Main the affidavit of any attending physician. That the present live witness who were with her and assisted in her illness at the birth of her children that this statement of the [dates?] of birth is derived from the birth witneses here presented they having a clear recollection of [his?] birth and that she corrects any former statment as no exact date of birth to agree with this

Mary Bray X her mark

Witness to mark L [Clu???nld?] [O C Vackan?]

Last edit 2 months ago by MaryV
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Also personally appeared at the same time & place Phebe Lexander & Eliza Washington of Algiers whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit and who having been duly sworn despose + say that they know personally the claimant & her deceased husband for the last 22 years that they were present on the same plantation when the children of claimant were born and that they assisted her in her illness of their births that the deceased left no children by any former marriage and that claimant has not aban doned the support of any one of her children nor has she permitted any one of them to be adopted by any one other person or persons as his her or their child and that they are the only legitimate children of herself or her deceased husband now living = that she still has the children with her residing that the statement of the name, dates of birth and [residence?] of her children are correctly stated by her in the foregoing declaration and that she has not remarried since the death of her husband and that they have a personal knowledge of these facts by being present, that they have no interest either direct or indirect in this claim Witness marks [Lhumild?] Phebe Alexander X her mark Eliza Washington X her mark Sworn and subscribed before me at New Orleans La this 22 day of June 1867 and I certify that I have no in terest in this claim and that

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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claimant and the witnesses knew the contents of the foregoing before signing the same P. R. ORorke [Clk?] 2[d Dt Court]. H [Q?]

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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[blank DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF PENSIONS form, displayed horizontally]

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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R 97.064

No. 943.984

ACT OF JULY 14,1862.

_____Mary Bray____________ ___Parish of Orleans La_____ ___________wif of__________ _____Houston Bray_________ __[?]:Co. "C." 82 U.S.C.T.______ __________________________

Pension Office,

______________ 186 . Respectfully referred to the Adjutant General, for official evidence of service and death.

[signed] Joseph H. Barrett Commissioner,

Received, ___March 18_, 186 7 .

____S.B. Packard____________ ________New Orleans________ __Louisiana_________ Attorney

Last edit 4 months ago by KenTex
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