No. ___97064.__
Louisiana ===================================== ____Mary Bray_________________________
WIDOW OF _____Houston Bray______________+_____ Rank ___Private____________, Co. _C._ Regt.___82d __82d U.S.C.T._________ ===================================== ____New Orleans________________Agency. Rate per Month, $ ____8____________ Commencing ______3d Dec. 1865.________ Additional sum of $2 per Month for each of the following children, until arriving at the age of 16 years, commencing July 25, 1855, viz:
_______________________________________ ___Harry 3d Dec. 1871.___________________ _______________________________________ ___Catharine 3d April 1874________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ====================================== Certificate dated __11th July 1867.__________ Sent to __S. B. Packard___________________ ____________New Orleans________________ ====================================== Act 14th July, 1862. Book ____C____ Vol. ___6____ Page ___119__ ___________________Shaw__________ Clerk.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana. [circular state stamp] Parish of Orleans. OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF BIRTHS & DEATHS.
Be it Remembered, That on this day to wit : _Seventeenth of November_____ in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and __Sixty Eight____ and the __ninety third__ of the Independence of the United States of America, before me, ___L Pessou______________ duly commissioned and sworn RECORDER OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS in and from the City and Parish of Orleans, personally appeared:
__Laurent Bonhomme a native of___________________________________ __Louisiana, residing no 230 Mandeville_____________________________ __Street in this city. Who hereby declares____________________________ __that.__________________________________________________________ _____________Marie Bray_________________________________________ __a native of Louisiana aged forty five_______________________________ __years, died on the Sixteenth instant________________________________ __(November 16th 1868) in a house on_______________________________ __Mandeville Street no 230 in this city________________________________ __Deceased was the widow of the late________________________________ __Houston Bray.__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
THUS DONE at New Orleans, in the presence of the aforesaid __L. Bonhomme_______ as also in that of Messrs. __[A I Laffenandene?]___H Colin__ of this City. witnesses by me requested so to be, who have hereunto set their hands together with me, after the reading hereof, the day, month and year first above written. SIGNED ____L his X mark Bonhomme_______H Colin____________________________ ___________A I Laffenandene_____________L Pessou Recorder____________________
I do Certify the foregoing to be a true and faithful copy from the original recorded in book marked ____7½ folio 612. Records of Deaths____________________________________________
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the City of New Orleans, this _____tenth______________ day of ____April__________ in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty ___Nine________ and the ninety __third__________ of the Independence of the United States of America.
[an "INTER. REVENUE" postage-appearing stamp bearing George Washington image and "5"]
[signed] Recorder of Births and Deaths.