[apparently rear of post card]
New Iberia LA 6/15/11 The Com of Pensions Washington D.C. Dear sirs: It has been over 3 months since I filed claim for Pension a Wid of Houston Bray. 93rd 82nd U S Col [T?] no. 959.501. Has any action been taken on it since if so kindly let me know & oblige Eliza B Dorsey
[Rectangular stamp lower left] CIVIL WAR * DIVISION * JUN 19 1911
[round stamp lower right]PENSION U.S. [SERV]ICE. * F JUN 19 19111 [scribbled over the stamp] [ShW?] op 61 11
DECLARATION OF Guardian of Minor Children for Pension, UNDER ACT OF JULY 25, 1866. ======================
State of __Louisiana___ \ Parish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > SS County ____Orleans___ /
On this _____31_______ day of _____March____ A. A. 186 9 , personally appeared before me, (1) ___Dy Clerk of the Second District Court of the Parish________________________ __of Orleans, Louisiana (the same being a Court of Record) Charles Baptiste__________________ aged __about 36__ years, a resident of __New Orleans_, in the CountyParish of __Orleans_______ ____________, and State of ___Louisiana_______, and whose Post Office address is __new___ __orleans__ in the CountyParish and State aforesaid, who, being duly sworn according to law, doth on oath make the following declaration, as Guardian of the minor child ren of ___Mary Bray, died, widow of Houston Bray__ deceased, in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the second section of the act of Congress approved July 25, 1866, increasing pensions to widows and orphans. He further declares that his is the Guardian of (3). ____Harry Bray and Catharine Bray________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ whose father was a _______Private________ in Company ____"C"____ Regiment of ____U S______ _____Colored Troops______________________________________ in the war of 1861, and that the said ____Houston Bray__________________died at _______________________________________ on the ___________or about 3_________ day of __December__ A. D. 186 5 ; (4) in consequence of ____________________________________That for evidence of Death reference is respectfully___ made to the widows claim on file (Mary Bray cert no 97.064)_______________________________ that the mother of the chldren___ . . aforesaid (5). Mary Bray, died at New Orleans____________ __La on 16" Nov 1868, as will appear from a duly copy certified Copy_________________________ __of the official records of Births & Deaths herewith forwarded_____________________________ _____That Said Mary Bray, widow obtained Pension by_____________________________________ __Certificate No 97.064 dated 11 July 18676 for Eight Dollars per month with__________________ __Increase for the two above named minors______________________________________________ and that the date of birth of said ward is as follows: __Harry was born 3 December 1855 and Catharine was born 3rd April 1858____________________ __For Evidence of Birth & of Marriage of parents reference is respectfully____________________ __made to the widows claim on file, on which said Cert No. 97.064 was allowed________________ __he_ further declares that the parents of _his_ said ward were married at ___________________ in the County of _______________________________, and State of _______________________, on _________day of ______________________, by ____________________________________________ and that the maiden name of __their___ mother was _____Mary Joseph_______________________ My Post Office address is as follows __(269 Mandeville St) New Orleans La_____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby constitute and appoint ____Stephen S Fish of New Orleans La_________________________ my true and lawful attorney, to prosecute this my claim, with full power of substitution and revocation, and obtain the Pension Certificate that may be issued.
W [Bloomfield?], Jr. ____Charles (His X Mark) Baptiste____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature of Claimant. [M. dun? King?]
[vertically to the left of the signatures, handwritten] witnesses to signature