War of 1861. 11733 Brief in the case of Jane Colbath, widow of George W. Colbath, [?] Private of Co G. 7th rgt N.H. Vols Belknap County, and State of N.H. Act of July 14, 1862 Post Office address of Applicant, Alton, N.H. Claim for widow's Pension. Declaration and Identification in due Form. PROOF EXHIBITED. Mustered into service Oct 15 1861, and died at Fort Jefferson, Florida, March 21. 1862.
The Surgeon General certifies that the records of his office show the death of George W. Colbath, of Co G, 7th rgt N.H. Vols on the 22nd March 1862, at Tortugas, Florida, of Small Pox.
The Lt. commanding the company, Lt Jos. E. Clifford certifies that said disease was contracted in the line of the soldier's duty, and of which he died on the 21st March 1862.
The Marriage record of the Town of Milton, N.H. show the marriage on the 30th Oct 1831 of Washington Colbath and Electra Jane Varney, by the Rev Simeon Sweet.
Leighton Colbath Jr, the brother of the deceased, certifies that the was known and called by the name of Washington Colbath until he arrived at the age of 21 years, when he preferred the Name of George by which he has ever since been known and that his widow signs her name and is known as Jane Colbath. That they are the indentical persons who were published and married as Washington Colbath and Electra Jane Varney.
The children under 16 are Seth S age 14; Charles
Admitted June 5, 1864, to a Pension of $8.00 per month, commencing March 22, 1862.
Jno D. Wilson Horatio Woodman Boston, Mass
State of New Hampshire Strafford County
On this first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and sixty two personally appeared before the Court of Probate for the said County, Mrs. Jane Colbath a resident of Alton, Belknap County aged forth nine years, who, being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on her oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress, July 4, 1836:- That she is the widow of George W. Colbath who was a private in Capt. Leavitts Co. Col. Putnams 7th Regt. N. Hampshire Volunteers
She further declares that she was married to the said Geroge W. Colbath by Simeon Swett a Clergyman, on the thirtieth day of October in the year eighteen hundred and thirty one in Farmington N.H. and that her maiden name was Electra Jane Varney That her husband, the aforesaid George W. Colbath died at Tortugas Florida about March 22 1862 by reason of Small Pox and that she has remained his widow ever since that period, as will more fully appear by proofs hereunto annexed. Wherefore she now applies for a pension, and requests that the certificate therefor may be made payable at Boston, Mass, and sent for her to Horatio Woodman Boston, Mass. whom she hereby constitutes her attorney irrevocable to receive the same.
Jane Colbath
Subscribed and duly sworn before me, the day and year first above written. Witness my hand and seal of office. D. G. Rollins Judge of the said Court.