State of New Hampshire County of Strafford City Town of Milton
(a) Washington Colbath of Middleton and Electra Jane
Varney of Farmington were joined in Marriage by me
on the thirtieth day of October eighteen hundred and
thirty one
Simeon Swett Minister of the Gospel
I Certify that the above is a true copy of the record, with the exception of
the date, which is expressed on the record in fair legible figures, as follows:-(b)
"30th day of Oct 1831"
Joseph Mathis
I, Joseph Mathis above named, depose and say,
that I hold the office of Town Clerk in the city Town, county, and state afore-
said, and that the above is a true copy from the records of said city Town, with the exception
above named, as certified by me.
Joseph Mathis { Town Clerk
Subscribed and duly sworn to before me, this twenty seventh
day of June A.D. 1862.
Eva H. Twombly Justice of the Peace.
(a) Here fill in an exact transcript of the record, except that, instead of copying the figures, the date must be written out in full.
(b) Here give the date exactly as it is in the record.
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